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"Ya," Taehyung called Jeong Guk who was busy with his own thoughts for the past ten minutes that it started to bother him.

"Huh? What?" Jeong Guk head snapped in a second and he shook his head lightly to gather his mind.

The elder just stared at him with a worried face, "Gwaenchana?"

"No—I mean, yes. Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Jeong Guk laughed nervously as he rubbed his nape.

A blank yet stoned expression was all that Taehyung showed as he pursed his lips into a thin line.

They sat in silence and Jeong Guk was debating with himself to tell his Hyung or not to tell his Hyung the thing that has been bothering him.

Jeong Guk sighed, "No."

"I'm not okay," he muttered under his breathe before he huffed out of frustation then slumped down his shoulders.

"Spill it then."

"Tell me everything and I promise to help you if I could."

• • •

"I want to see Jun," Mint exclaimed suddenly, surprising Yoongi.

He raised an eyebrow upon hearing her statement, "What was that?"

"I want to see Jun," she repeated calmly, eyes staring straight at the clear blue sky above her.

"Why so sudden?"

Mint kept her eyes on the beautiful scenery above her, "Just because."

The elder just chuckled and shook his head, "Alright."

"I'll call Jin Hyung later," he stood up then walked behind her wheel chair. "Time for lunch, baby."

He pushed it gently then proceeded to go to the cafeteria, stopping by a table and went off to get the younger's lunch.

Soon he came, holding a tray full of hospital's foods and some medicines, he sat across her and set the tray on the table.

"I don't wanna eat," Mint frowns at the sight of the plain food that received a chuckle from the elder.

Suga picked up the spoon with a warm smile on his face, "I'll eat with you."

With furrowed eyebrows Mint shook her head, "No."

"You don't need to do it," she tried to take the spoon from his grip but he only tightened his grip on it.

"When I said that I'll eat with you, then so be it, no buts baby girl," he shoved the food gently in front of her closed lips and nudged it softly.

She sighed before opening her mouth and ate the food, chewing on it slowly as she watched the other took a bite of the food too.

"This is the worst," she muttered as she gulped down the food and made a puking sound.

"Fuck yeah, I agree with you," Suga shuddered at the 'tasty' food and opened a bottle of water, he drank some before offering it to the girl across him.

"How about I'll just fucking throw this shit and go buy some take out? Sounds good?"

"Okay? Okay."

"And I didn't even answer any of it," Mint muttered as she rolled her eyes when the other answered his own questions.

Suga was practically speed walking to the trash bin and threw all of the nasty food and walked away looking innocent as fuck.

"What?" he asked, still with that innocent face at the girl who was staring at him oddly.

"Stop that, you look like a fucking creep," she snickered.

"Oh, puh-lease," he laughed. "I know you like it when I look at you with this innocent slash handsome face, baby."


"Nu-uh, donut deny it, girl," he grinned widely, showing his cute gummy smile at the sighing girl.

"Now let's go back to your room," he started to push her wheelchair towards the lift then pressed the up button.

As they went inside the lift, the elder turned her wheelchair, facing the front while he reached his hand to touch the floor number.

With tired eyes Mint looked up, only to be greeted by a certain someone that left with a rose nights before.

"Oh Se Hoon," she breathed out.

"That ass really wanna die I see."

"Hmm? What did you say, baby?" Suga asked as he heard inaudible voice from her and bent down so his ear was right beside hers.


The elder stared at her for a good five seconds before shrugging, "Okay."

Meanwhile the unexpected visitor only stood there silently, contemplating with himself to sneak again or seeing her for some good seconds there was enough.

"I don't wanna risk my life," he sighed then turned on his heels, walking with a slumped shoulder outside the building, not aware of the person who's been eyeing him for the whole time.

• • •

"Sup man?" An all too familiar voice greeted from the other line.

"Hey, are you free right now?" the caller licked his lips as he looked around him.

"Well yea, I am. What's the matter?"

"Great, come to the cafe near the flower shop, I need to talk to you," he heard some scrambling from across the line.

"Sure, be there in 10. Buy me an Americano would ya," the person laughed, saying it more like a statement than a request.

Rolling his eyes, he chuckles, "Yea, yea, suits yourself, bitch."

"Everyone know that you're the real bitch here, bitch," he could sense him rolling his eyes at the tone that he used and they laughed together.

"Now get your ass here quickly or I'll make you pay double price of the coffee."

• • •

Save me

Got exams from Monday until Friday

3 subjects each day

/le me cry in Germany/

Let me sleep in peace would ya

Pray for me so I won't forget anything easily

I sometimes wonder if I'm Dory's twin or smth like tht smh

Anyway enjoy the chapter, sorry for the short update

I still can't believe that many people read this book and actually vote for it

God I love y'all so much

Oh and just saying that this story right now is just the beginning, the real shits will happen when they become granny and grandpas, okay?


Lol jk

But srsly more dramas are waiting when they're older

Just like the prologue, baby

Thank you for the votes and comments!

See you next time

~ HARU ❤

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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