Chapter Nine

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Monday afternoon. I come in my room and open my wardrobe to find a nice T-shirt. I had taken a shower and was about to head for a bus to go bowling. I look at the old clock on my wall and see that I have still ten minutes before I have to leave for the bus. I open my laptop and see that I got a mail from Susan.



Subject: book

Hi Finn

Now I have the time to answer you in more detail. I was so tiered on Saturday evening.

The stuff with Kyra sounds strange. Why did she think that you called the police? Their also arrested you! Most likely she used you as a valve for her anger. And the group split up? Maybe good as long as nobody tries to give the fault for this to someone else. I hope that you are in contact with the others and talk to them because when not it could end with everybody giving you the main fault and the police will believe them.

Yea the missing projector in a church would be the only thing that would stop you from putting cartoons in a funereal speech.

You started to write a book? Cool send me the manuscript. I would love to read it and to give you a feedback. 5000 Words are not a book jet but it is a beginning. There are a lot of pages where you could publish your book and everybody could read it there for free. I use such a page called Wattpad. I just read other peoples stories and publish nothing. I think this is a great way to reach people especial people in our age. You can vote and comment on the stories there so you get straight away a feedback. Check it out.

And please tell me when you will arrive at the airport.

See you soon


I would love to answer her but I have to go to the bus. I shut down the computer take my purse and phone and leave my room. I walk down the stairs and stop at the kitchen. Mum I go now see you later. ok. Have fun. See you. Oh and dont be too late this evening you know you have to be here at nine oclock and not a minute later. Of course, mum. Bye! I leave the house and look at my wristwatch. Three minutes till the bus should be here and the bus ride is not too long.

I see that I am the last one when I arrive twenty minutes later at the bowling place. Everybody else is already there. I see that Jack has brought Kimberly with him. Kimberly is his girlfriend for three month or so and I dont like her much. Ok to be honest I like her less than this and I think she feels the same. She is a vegetarian but thinks that I am not a true vegetarian because I dont look like one. For her is being a vegetarian also a question of fashion. Everybody who sees her knows that she is a hippie or a vegetarian. She always wears this strange colourful very wide trousers. They look like the stuff they wear in Aladdin this very old Disney movie but much wider and with strange patterns that look like some person on LSD designed them. She also has dreadlocks. Ok I have nothing against dreads but she is a ginger. Ginger dreads look awful. I dont even know why Jack is dating her she is not his normal type. I think that even as his best buddy I could not tell him to dump her.

Ah finally! We thought you would never come! Thanks Kimberly because you know me so good. I always come but I am always a little bit late. And what does she want? She is just here because she is Jacks girlfriend not because someone likes her. The best think of the evening comes always at the end! Anya steps forward and hugs me before Kimberly can say some other shit. Hi. How are you? I am fine how are things? Great then she moves closer to my ear and whispers, I heard from Katie things about you and some stuff about the police. What happened? Katie is Anyas little sister and a friend of Mary and yea, Mary fond out yesterday what happened and most likely wrote it to all her friends and they did the same and so on and so on. I will explain it later to you. Ok lets go inside! Kimberly again. This will be a long evening with her.

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