Chapter one

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Hiccup was scrambling to get his things. Notebooks, charcoal, ink, blankets...what was he forgetting? Healing kit? Should he pack more blankets?
The reason he was packing? He was chosen to kill a monstrous night, a very powerful dragon, in front of the entire village; it was a great honor.
To bad Hiccup doesn't kill dragons.
Ever since he shot down and befriended a nightfury that he named Toothless, he realized dragons aren't mildness, killing beasts that he one thought they were. He won't do it.
But his entire village, including his father the chief, don't share the same ideas.
Hiccup paused in his scurrying, and breathed out a sigh.
They won't listen to him, they never have. The only reason he is so popular right now, is the fact they think he is an amazing dragon fighter. If they ever found out they would go back to hating him, bullying him. But if they found toothless they'll kill him.
Toothless, his only friend; his best friend. Hiccup has found more happiness these past few weeks, than his entire life on berk; all thanks to Toothless. And that's why he's leaving.

No one would miss him right? All he has to do is write a letter and tell them what happened, even if they get angry he won't be there, they won't be able to hurt toothless. All he ever does is screw up and cause disasters for the village anyway.
After a few more minutes, Hiccup was satisfied with his work, he had everything he would need, from home and his backroom in the forge.
Yet the uneasy stirring in his gut never calmed, and a pang of guilt stung his heart at the thought of the forage.
Gobber would miss him. He knew that much. His mentor was like the father he never had. Gobber was the only one that listened to him.
Hiccup snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a low cooing noise. He looked over to see toothless in the window.
"Toothless? How did you get out of the cove?" He asked walking over to his dragon.
Toothless smiled his famous gummy grin and leaned into Hiccups hand.
"We're leaving Toothless, I won't let them hurt you. I never really liked this place anyway." He stated, trying to convince himself more than Toothless.
He grabbed a plain black cloak and put it on, the hem only fell to his knees, but it had a large hood. He pulled the hood up and grabbed his bags.
"Toothless, meet me outside, I'm going out the door." He instructed and toothless nodded, disappearing from view.
Hiccup quietly snuck downstairs, his father still wasn't home from the great hall, no doubt celebrating with some drinks. Hiccup placed the note on the table.
"Sorry dad." He whispered, then bolted through the door.
He ran around the house, failing to notice Stoick, his father, spotting him with a curious look.
Hiccup ran up to toothless, hiding in the shadows behind his house.
"Alright bud, let's-"
"Hiccup?" Hiccup's words died in his throat at the sound of his father's voice. He whirled around to find his father coming around the house, into view.
Hiccup turned around wide eyed, "Dad!" He shouted in surprise, trying to hide toothless behind him; like a child caught trying to sneak a kitten into the house.
"What are you doing, son?"
"Oh nothing, just...taking a moonlight stroll." Hiccup mentally slapped himself for the poor excuse, he could almost feel toothless rolling his eyes.
Hiccup just prayed to the gods that his father was drunk and would go inside.
He wasn't.
He could only watch helplessly, as his father's eyes caught something behind him. Stoick tensed, shifting his stance and scolding his features.
"Hiccup. Walk towards me."
"Uh, actually I was planning on going the other-"
"Hiccup. Now." His father's tone was serious, Stoick as ever.
Hiccup took a deep breath.
"Dad it's not what you think-"
Stoick grabbed his axe from his belt, and toothless let out a growl.
"Oh just great." Hiccup sighed.
"Hiccup! Run!" His father ordered, raising his axe, battle ready.
"NO! No, no, no!" Hiccup stayed between His father and toothless, his right hand on toothless and his left stretched out in front of him.
"Dad wait!"
"I said move son! That's a dragon!"
"Yes, and he's mine!"
Stoick stood confused for a moment.
"Now son, I know your excited about dragon killing.."
"Dad no-"
"But this is extremely reckless! Out of the way before you get hurt!"
"No dad, he won't hurt me look!"
"Hiccup MOVE!" Stoick yelled, and charged the dragon.
Toothless leapt in front of Hiccup growling, his teeth bared.
Hiccup had enough, he stepped directly in front of toothless, and faced his father. His hood fell down revealing the anger sketched on his face. They both stopped in their tracks; Toothless would never hurt Hiccup, nor Stoick. But it seemed, at the time, sheer shock and confusion kept Stoick in his place. 
"FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE WOULD YOU PLEASE JUST LISTEN TO ME!?" Hiccup screamed at his father, fueled by emotion.
His father took a step back, lowering his axe, his mouth open. He stood dumbfounded by his son's actions.
"Dad...." Hiccups face softened, "This is Toothless. The nightfury I shot down in that raid a few weeks ago." Hiccup gestured to the dragon, but Toothless narrowed his eyes and growled.
'Not helping' Hiccup mentally scrolled the dragon.
"I found him in the woods, I was going to kill him but I just...couldn't. I set him free, he pounced on me and could have killed me, but he didn't. We spared each other." Hiccup explained, but he saw no change in his father's face, he still stood dumbfounded.
"Dad, look.... We don't have to kill them, and they don't want to kill us, they're just protecting themselves, Toothless is just protecting me."
Stoic's POV
My own son.
"We don't have to kill them, and they don't want to kill us. They're just protecting themselves, Toothless is just protecting me."
My own flesh and blood....
Has sided with the dragons.
This dragon. This nightfury for thor's sake!
"Would you chose those devils, over your tribe? Your own family!?" I ask, finally gathering myself.
My own son.
"But it doesn't have to be like that, if I could just figure out why the dragons are attacking, I could stop them without anymore bloodshed, from dragon or Viking."
"Everything in the ring? A trick? A lie!" My blood was boiling. How dare he!
"They've killed hundreds of us!"
"And we've killed thousands of them!" Hiccup defended.
He defended those beasts.
They've taken our food, destroyed our homes. They took Valka away from us, HIS OWN MOTHER!
"You're not a Viking." I state, my grip tightening around my axe.
"You're not my son."
Hiccup's expression falls. His eyes become misty, as if holding back tears, sadness written all over. But he blinks it away, his face hardens,
"Yeah I figured. No one ever liked me anyway."
"Hiccup!" I yell as he JUMPS ON THE DRAGON?!
"Toothless has cared for me more than ANY of you EVER HAVE! You all hate me anyway. I'm leaving and I am NEVER COMING BACK!" He flipped his hood back up and they flew off.
I whipped around just in time to see their black silhouette blend into the night sky, along with the nightfury's roar.
An empty, sorrow feeling over took me.
My son.
Hiccup's POV
It felt like an arrow pierced my heart.
"You're not a Viking. You're not my son."
My throat tightened in pain, it was harder to breath, tears filled my eyes, I did my best to fight them off but they fell anyways.
I always knew it in my head that I was different, that my dad was disappointed in me, he probably didn't want me as his son. But now it's real. It's to real to push away into the back of my mind. They were just two simple sentences but they hurt so much.
I wasn't a Viking; I wasn't part of their tribe anymore.
I wasn't his son; he disowned me right then and there.
A cry escaped my lips. Why did it hurt so much? They never liked me anyway.
I heard a concerned noise come from Toothless. He cooed as if to ask if I was alright.
No tribe.
No family.
No home.
But at least I had Toothless.
"I'm alright bud," I manage to say, it hurt my throat and my voice is shaky but I managed.
Toothless grumbled, obviously not believing me. Then he roared and started to lean right, I changed the position of his tail fin to follow suit.
I saw the arena.
Those dragons are still trapped. Tomorrow, someone is going to kill that monstrous nightmare; most likely Astrid.
"Your right bud, let's go help them." And with that we sped up towards the arena.
We landed outside the gate. I open it and head in, Toothless tries to follow but I shake my head. I'd rather not have him follow me in case we get trapped.
I walk up to the cages, luckily, most of the dragons remember me. When I open them they all come towards me, softly nudging me for attention or fish. I laugh softly, then go to the last cage.
I pull the lever and the monstrous nightmare bursts out, coating itself with fire.
"Shhh, shhh, it's okay." I whisper and back away slowly. I hold my hand up, "it's alright. I'm here to help."
It huffs in response, but the flames die down.
"I'm not one of them." I state, looking him in the eyes. His pupils dilate, his flames disappear and his snout leans into my hand. I smile and scratch him under his chin.
Then I hear shouting.
I turn around and all the dragons start to growl.
"Follow me!" I gesture towards the gate and lead them out, I get on toothless and we all fly away.
I look back one last time, I see their torch lights and hear their yells, no doubt about 'escaped dragons' and 'search parties'. I smile, though the pain in my heart makes it fade away.
I hear dragon shrieks, and look to see the dragons doing loops and tricks, or simply flying in circles. Instead of narrowed pupils and angry faces and growls, the dragons looked...happy. They were free, smiling and roaring and shouting, pupils dilated and faces un-scrunched, the gronkle even had its tongue sticking out, enjoying the flight. I look behind me and Berk is now just a faint light. I whisper one last goodbye, then turn forwards looking to the future.

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