It Started With Hello

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(WARNING: A little bit of profanity and brief suicide talk not much though)

    "The names Gerard." he added a smile at the end.
      I didn't know what to think. My mind kept racing with thoughts going 400 miles a second..what do I say? Do I fangirl so he never wants to talk again?.....Do I act like I've never seen him before? I was so scared but I soon got out the words
   "I-I...know I delivered your mail to your house the other day and saw your name........your also..never mind." I say blushing a little looking down.

      I knew he was looking at me and I couldn't face the fact my top idol of all time was right there....talking to me. What was I to think of all this? You gotta keep it cool amber...breathhheeee
   "May I...ask your name?" He said a little slowly

"Oh shit...yeah sorry I'm Amber...I actually just moved here." I added a nervous giggle at the end offering him to sit down in the other porch chair.

"I-I-I.........really like your music." I got out hesitantly
    He smiled. "Well thank you....I put a lot of work into well as the be honest I heard you blaring a song of mine coming home two days ago." Giggling at the end of his sentence.

   I blushed and giggled "yeah its helped me through a lot now and in my past." My face saddening a bit with thoughts that came through my head.

    "Well don't be sad about made you strong and who you are now right?" He gave a reassuring smile.

  "Yeah I guess your right its just kinda unbelievable my idol is sitting right here....lives right there....and...its just crazy."

By the end of my sentence I looked over at him smiling at me with a warm homey smile. I returned a smile and realised it was almost completely dark out. I went in for a second and turned on the porch light and get some drinks.
   We enjoyed each others company and laughed. But with the laughter came sadness when he had asked a few questions that hit home.

    "Where are your parents? And how old are you...Amber?" His eyes looking straight into mine
   It took a second to answer. I had to think of a way to word it. A way that wasn't to long but not plain and short like I don't give a shit.

   "Well first off im 18 and I will be 19 in about a month. father was an investor and big headed...he wasn't...the best he could be and hardly in the home. My mom was a complete snobby bitch who never let me be myself. Would put me down about the bands I would listen to and the posters in my room. Saying I was just another emo who wouldn't make it anywhere in life....I soon was fed up with her shit and decided I would leave after she started physically abusing me."

    By the end I felt the tears brimming my eyes and a few hit my hand. I didn't open up to people very often but this was my idol. I felt like he knew everything about me before he even knew I existed. His lyrics spoke my feelings and what I wanted to say but couldn't.

    I felt a hand gently rest on my forearm and a thumb going back and forth slowly. As I looked down I smiled a little and wiped my tears.

    "I would listen to your music...hours on end...everyday to cope with my life. I still do now and its saved me. I've almost taken my life...but your music it was their and it pushed me through. I felt and still do very emotionally connected to your music I feel you understand me without even knowing my last name."

    I let out a sigh at the end and sniffled.

      "Im so sorry all of that happened Amber...that's horrible..something you should never go through. Im glad you didn't take your life im most certainly glad you went to my music for help and didn't give up."

     Towards the end of our conversation it was around 3 a.m and we were both getting tired. He gave me his number and texted me to make sure I had it. With that he went home and I went inside.

      I walked into my bathroom and took my beanie off. I put my hair up in a messy bun and got all of my makeup off. I slipped into some short mesh shorts and a oversized Nirvana shirt and got into bed. With that I soon dozed off.


                                     AUTHORS NOTE

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter as well as chapter one. I feel the first was better but maybe its just me. Until next time this killjoy is out :*

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