Chapter 2

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"What? Since when, Baker?"

"Since my party yesterday, Lo. You know, the one you didn't go to?" She rose her eyebrow with a smirk.

"I know, I'm sorry." I apologized again. It was the first party she's ever thrown and I know she really wanted me to be there but party's just aren't my scene. "You know I'm not into parties. God, and all of the people here, you chose Justin Foley."

"Hey, don't judge!"

There was a silence for a while before she suddenly slapped my arm leaving me, not only confused, but in pain. "Was that really necessary." I glared at her.

"Very. Dream boy. Three-O-Clock. Be subtle." She whispered.

I furrowed my eyebrows before subtly pretending to fix my hair and slowly moving my eyes to where she directed to.

I turned back around to glare at her but she was already gone.

"Hey, P." Jeff walked up to me wearing his varsity jacket. Cute.

"Nick name stage already?" I smiled at the tall boy with pretty brown hair. "Did you need something?"

He shrugged and looked down before finally speaking, "I was thinking about yesterday. You know, in the library. I think we can help each other out somehow, Jensen." He suggested and shook his head when I didn't say anything, "I'm sorry. It was a stupid idea."

"No! No, it wasn't. I just- help each other how?" I asked him.

"If your partner keeps standing you up then I'd be more than willing to take his place." He continued to shrug a lot making me laugh at how silly he looked and he broke out into smile.

I nodded in agreement, "That's a good idea but how would I be helping you?"

"My parents said the only way I can continue playing baseball is if I keep my grades up." He informed me making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Okay, um, how would I be helping you?" I repeated my words from previously.

"You're a smart girl, Jensen. And I'm not doing so hot in algebra, I was hoping you could help me out?"

I smirked deciding to tease him a little, "What makes you think I'm good at algebra?" I rose an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

"I just get the feeling." He smiled making me blush a little.

"Wait, isn't my brother helping you already?" I stopped him as he began to walk away.

"Why would I want Clay tutoring me when I can have his cute younger sister?" He bit his lip before walking away. I don't think I've ever smiled so big in my life.


I sighed in frustration as I walked into the office. I didn't even understand why I had to do this stupid thing anymore anyways.

A while ago, my mom was concerned about me because I wasn't opening up so she made me go to stupid counseling at school every once in a while.

I was still upset by it because the only reason I wasn't 'opening up' was so Clay could sneak out of the house. So basically this is all his fault.

I sat down in a chair next to a girl with curly hair, waiting slightly impatiently to get this stupid thing over with. I looked over at the girl and she smiled faintly. "You do this, too?"

"Unfortunately." She joked.

"Ugh, I can't stand it. They ask us about our feelings but they really don't give a shit. They just expect us to say what they want to hear and when we don't they brush it off like it's nothing." I rolled my eyes. I was never a big fan of cursing but this time it just happened to slip.

"Preach, girl. I hate coming here, too, but you gotta do what you gotta do to get the help you need. I guess. Or at least that's just what they tell us, right?" She rose her eyebrows before scoffing.

"Exactly." I nodded.

She looked at me, shaking her head with a smile. "Why haven't I seen you around before?"

I shrugged, "I don't know but I'm here now." I said and she smiled.


"Since when do you sit next to me?" I asked Jeff as he sat down in the seat beside me.

He nudged my shoulder playfully, "Since now, partner. And it's one step closer to getting my grades up right?"

I nodded with a laugh but nevertheless continued working on my paper but began to feel a stare. I looked up at Jeff, who was the one staring at me, "What? Is there something on my face?" I joked.

He shook his head, "No, I- sorry." He chuckled, "Um can we meet later? At Monet's maybe?"

"So I can tutor you?"

"Or we can just go simply as friends." He suggested quietly. "I mean if you're okay with it, if not we can just focus on school but what's the fun in that, right?"

"It's fine, Jeff. That sounds great." I agreed.

He smiled and I was about to say something when my phone dinging interupted my train of thought. "Sorry" I apologized but then his phone dinged too, and so did everyone else's in the class.

I looked around, confused before pulling out my phone, examining the text. "Oh my gosh." I gaped at the picture of Hannah going down the slide with her skirt up, showing her underwear.

This must have been what she was talking about in the hallways. And it was sent from Justin Foley. It wasn't the hard to connect the dots.

I looked over at Hannah who was searching the room frantically. It was hard not to notice everyone in the classroom's phone ringing.

Whispers began to erupt in the room as people looked over at Hannah. That's where the rumors began.

Hannah glanced over at me with hope in her eyes but I only looked away. Why Justin?

The Rows of Red * Jeff AtkinsWhere stories live. Discover now