Chapter 13

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I quickly ran upstairs, and found a letter sitting on the bed. I opened it, and started reading it.

Dear Gerard,

I'm sorry I had to leave, if I could bring you and kick off Billie Joe, I would. I will ALWAYS love you! You're my life, it's breaking my heart to write this, it's like I'm never gonna see you again. But I'm gonna! So it's all better! I will love you until my last heart beat. I'm keeping this necklace on everyday for as long as possible, and I hope you will to. I left you a present under my pillow, and I left my blade in my locker so I won't cut. I hope you like the present. 

Frankie :) Xoxo

I threw Frankie's pillow off the bed, and saw a large picture frame. Inside the frame was lots of tiny pictures of us form over the years. Pictures from since we were 9. You could see the changes we made over the years, from our faces, to our style. The pictures went in chronological order, like the way you would read. The first pictures were from when we first met, and the very last one was of us kissing, from a few weeks ago. My tears bounced off the frame, so the pictures were safe. I hugged the frame, and slid my fingers over every picture of me and Frank. Frank was beautiful in every single picture, even the ones when we were pulling funny faces. My favourite picture of us was in it, the one of us at the carnival. it was the largest picture in the frame. I kissed the frame, and brought it down to Linda.

Me: Look what Frankie left for me! *showed her*

Linda: *smiled* I helped him make it. He was going to give it to you for Christmas, but he thought it would be nice to give it to you now. 

Me: That is the most beautiful present I've ever gotten!

Linda: Really? Awh that's lovely!

I hugged Linda, before going back upstairs and got into a track suit. I went to Frank's secret place in the park. It felt different knowing Frank wasn't here, but I wasn't crying either. I was smiling. I thought I would be so depressed, but we know we're gonna see each other soon enough so that will bring us down to earth. I looked in the hollowed out tree Frank would hide in, and smiled to myself. He was so small he could fit in there! I turned around, and stopped his Wishing Tree. I walked close to it, and read all the engravings on it. My engraving was on of the more 'standing out' ones, but Frank's engraving skills were really good! His writing was so cute to me, kind of messy, but readable. 

He had one on there I had never saw before. It must have been a new one. I read it, and smiled like a Cheshire cat. 

'Marry Gerard.'

I quickly hugged the tree, and walked away before anyone anyone saw, even though I doubt anyone knew this was even here. 

I checked my phone, and I had another message from Frank:

'Hey baby. Hope you liked the present. I was talking to Billie Joe about the dates and all, and I'm coming home for Christmas! So we've only gotta wait two months, then we can be reunited! 

Love you, Xoxo' 

I replied with 'That's great news! Can't wait to see you! I love you so much. Xoxo'

It got dark, so I walked home, but I went into Starbucks first. I ordered a coffee, and sat down in our- I mean my usual spot. 

Waiter: Here gorgeous, here's your coffee! *handed me it*

Me: Oh thanks..

Waiter: You're the guy that took my Green Day tickets! 

Me: Um....yeah. Sorry about that.

Waiter: *laughed* its okay. I heard your boyfriend got famous from his guitar!

Me: Yeah, he's gone off touring with Green Day now. 

Waiter: Wow, that's amazing! 

Me: Yeah I know. I miss him so much. 

Waiter: Yeah, I know how you feel. When I was going out with my last boyfriend he was away a lot.

Me: How do you cope?

Waiter: Well, I tried, but I couldn't. So I broke up with him. It was hard, but we got over it.

Me: wow, that's kinda harsh.

waiter: Yeah...anyway I gotta go back to work. Bye!

I drank my coffee, and headed back to Fra- Linda's house. She was watching video's of Frank when he was really young.

Linda: Gerard! Come watch these! Look what Frankie used to do when he was little! 

Me: Okay!

I sat down on the couch, and watched a little chubby baby crawl across the floor. The next video was of Frank's first word. 'Mama' He kept repeating 'Mama' for the whole video. He was such an adorable baby! He kept giggling his little head off whenever someone would grab his nose. Another video was a few years later, when he was seven. He was learning how to ride a bike. His dad said he would hold onto the bike the whole way, but he let go and Frank was cycling all by himself! He didn't realise until he stopped to turn around. 

Frank: Daddy! I did it by myself! Look!

Frank's dad: Good boy!

As we were watching that, Frank's dad, Frank came in. 

F dad: We haven't watched them in ages! 

Linda: I know, it's been so long. I miss him *tears filled her eyes*

F dad: It's gonna be okay. He'll be back before you know it.

Me: Christmas isn't that far away!

Linda: He's gonna be home for Christmas?

Me: Yeah, did he not tell you?

Linda: No, but that's great news!

Me: Yeah I know. I'm gonna ring him now, I'll be right back.

I ran upstairs, and kept smiling. Frank told me before his parents he was coming back! I know it sounds silly, but I thought it was cute. 

I dialled  Frank's number, and he answered almost instantly.

Frankie: Hey baby. Is everything okay?

Me: Yep. Your mom was showing me video's of you when you were little. 

Frankie: Already? She always does that when I'm not around!

Me: *giggled* yeah, so what are you doing?

Frank: Well, Tré has persuaded me into getting the sides of my head shaved, and getting it dyed red. 

Me: But you're perfect! 

Frankie: *giggled* Thanks, but they said I should have a 'trend' if I wanna get noticed. 

Me: Oh...okay then. 

Frankie: I won't get it done yet then, okay?

Me: Okay. I love you the way you are now though!

Frankie: I love you too. *giggled* 

Me: What's so funny?

Frankie: I found your boxers in my bag

Me: *laughed* Oh yeah, I left them in there for you!

Frankie: I'll wear them for my first concert tomorrow. *mumbles towards Frankie* I gotta go, we're getting into the airport now. Love you 

Me: Love you too! Bye baby

Frankie: Love you more, future husband! *hung up*

I smiled to myself, and realised what time it was. half eleven? How the fuck? Anyway, today tired me out, so I got into my pj's, and got on Frankie's side of the bed. The last time I slept alone was when I lived with my parents. It's been nearly two months! I left the light on that night, but I didn't get much sleep because I was messing with my 'engagement necklace.' 

Forever or Never? *Frerard story* (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now