Chapter 2- Charlotte

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It wasn't a far walk to the address Hugo had sent me, but I was shocked to see the tall building and prestigious stores lined along the streets. I looked down at my outfit and sigh, I wore worn out toms, dirty leggings covered in paint stains, and a thin over sized hoodie. I look up at the tall building I was about to enter, 'man am I under dressed' I thought. Giving myself a mental pep-talk I grabbed the handle and pulled the heavy glass door open. It was a hotel, a really nice hotel, not any of the type the girls and I have stayed at. Granted, we stayed at motels. I look to my right and saw a tall platinum blonde lady with a sign that had my name printed on it, not written, printed.

She smiled at me with her stark white teeth, "Hello you must be Charlotte. What a pretty name for such a pretty girl" she smirked at me. I nodded at her in her response, suddenly feeling self conscious, this girl-lady was so perfect. She must have noticed me checking out "Don't worry, its all fake" she laughed. "Don't be so shy, lets go" she added before grabbing my wrist and dragging me back outside into the rain and pulling me across the street to a very fancy mall. '

I tried on a bright red long sleeved bandage dress that really hugged my curves, and the blonde, Jaz she told me, squealed. "You have to get this dress, its so flattering" I shrugged "Its only like $250, how in the hell am I supposed to afford this?" I groaned, Jaz let out a laugh "Hugo gave me his card and told me to treat you well" She smirked at me before I sighed and agreed for her to buy this dress.

I matched the dress with black Louis Vuitton pumps that had a thin gold heel. My poor heart hurt with how much money we were spending, but Jaz insisted he said to spend it. Our next and final stop was Sephora where the girls could do my makeup and hair. The two ladies who worked on my face left it simple, more like Harper's style of makeup. A nice BB cream to add a healthy glow, gold highlight, perfect brows, a sharp black wing, and really long false lashes. I took off the nude lip they applied and added my own emergency red liquid lipstick I kept in my purse.

By the time we were done shopping, it was time to go to Foundation. We took a uber and talked about my life, everytime I'd ask about Hugo Jaz would find a way to advoid answering me. I didn't think to much about it but as soon as we arrived, i drifted in the crowd away from her. About a hour in, I still couldn't find Hugo, I thought he was going to be here.

Slowly the music went quiet, and a bartender came onto stage to announce the next artist who would DJ for us next. I felt anxious I guess in a way I already knew what was about to happen, I knew that there was something different about this one night stand.

" this thing on?- check -check?" Thr bartender nervously said, "Hello everyone, thank you all for coming" he let out a shakey breath. "I don't normally announce such a big great artist, so thanks for being patient" he twiddles his thumbs and whispered "im really nervous. "Um, tonight we are lucky to announce for the second weekend in a row,  the great Madeon will be performing for us, Thank you Hygo!" The cheer applaud and my stomach dropped.

The familiar beats slowly came on and out walked Madeon, his eyes search the crowd for something. I chugged my drink back, and his eyes met mine and he broke out in a cheesy smile. 'What the fuck am I supposed to do?' I thought in my daze, i felt like I was going to puke. I panicked and made a run for the bar, I needed liquid confidence and I needed it now.

After a couple drinks, I made my way back intothe crowd and began to dance, slightly enjoying myself. The while night felt like a slight dream but it didn't seem like it was going to end. The music began to slow and Hugo began his goodbyes

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?" Jaz came behind me and was giggling. "You didn't realized that Hugo, was Hugo as in Madeon?" She just laughed like it wasn't a big deal. "Are you following me?" I muttered, "He's done for tonight, taking off early so he can take you out to a late dinner and then who knows what" she wiggled her brows and I internally panicked and choked on my drink.  "What do I do? This is the guy I'd day dream of when I was 18? He's going to see me as some weird fan girl," she gave me a sincere smile. "It's going to be okay, I think he will figure it out if he hasn't already. Your reaction will give it away," she paused before adding "he is really sweet, one of the best guys I know. He's also really into you,"  I hid my face in my hands and took a deep breath. I was so embarrested, my face felt so hot. I was already shaking and I haven't even seen him yet.

"Jaz, what are you telling my date that has her so flustered?" A deep voice asked behind me 'oh my god his accent, oh mh god hugo' I thought as I began to panick. "Not a thing, but it seems she had too much to drink." I felt his arm go around my shoulders with ease since I was much shorter than him, even with my heels. "You look really great, really love those shoes," he whispered in my ear and my heart actually stopped. 'Oh my fucking god,' I kept mentally repeating as Hugo guided me outside the club. He helped me into the cab as I kept mentally panicking and we left to the most awkard date I've ever been on.

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