Chapter 4- Harper

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As soon as I was 'dumped,' I had left my job. I couldn't be around those girls knowing how he felt and what he had done to those girls behind my back making them promise not to tell. I stretched my arms out, today I woke up earlier then I have all week determined to try and find a new job. I set up my laptop at my desk, it felt like forever since I did anything in my room but cry and sleep. I tidied and routinely fed my two gerbils- Andy and Ron. I watched them scurry and I smiled down at them, maybe later I will let them run around the living room.

 A knock on my door startled me, "Harper?" I heard Charlotte quietly ask, "are you asleep?" I opened my door surprising her, "Wow, you're awake a-and dressed? Woah, even your room is clean" I smiled at her "Im going to try and apply for another job today, something to keep me busy until school." Now it was her turn to smile, "That's good! Hey, I really want to apologize for what I said earlier, I didn't think what I said would have- uh triggered you. Mia told me everything last night," she muttered the last half. I nodded before turning back to my applications, I wanted to get as many done before breakfast. 

About an hour later, I grew hungry and went downstairs. Towards the bottom, I heard Charlotte and Mia's voice as well as some male. They were all laughing about something when I walked through the living room into the kitchen, I was shocked at who Charlotte was sitting on before hurrying my pace. My stomach was filled with anxiety and I focused on making my egg and avocado toast. He walked in and we made eye contact, it was still too early in the day to face one of my favorite artist so I chose to try my best to ignore him. "Hello" a deep voice said, his voice had a slight accent. "um-hi?" I made sure not to face him, my face was beet red. "Are all the ladies in this house shy?" he joked before adding"My name is Hugo." Cracking my eggs into the pan, I kept my focus in front of me, still embarrassed. "I heard your name is Harper?" 

Does he not realized I just woke up and have yet showered? I have wack hair, barely any clothes on, and absolutely no makeup which is not the attire to meet someone I looked up to. The eggs finished and I slid them on my toast that was already prepared with avocado, I placed the pan in the sink before making a run up the stairs and safely in my room. As the pan hit the sink I heard him question "Is that a shelter shirt?" which made me run faster. 

After eating my food, I got ready for the day. I dressed in light wash jeans, a flowey thin tee-shirt, and tan jesus sandals. My makeup consisted of fleek'd eyebrows, mascara, blush, bronzer, and shiny highlight. I didn't like the full face with heavy foundation. My hair was long and wavy, and I pulled the top half up into a braid, my hair rested just abovemy butt. Going back downstairs, I sprawled myself on the couch. Mia had left so it was only Hugo and Charlotte squeezed into one recliner, which was gross. I changed the TV to Parks and Rec because duh its the best, and they didn't even realize. 

"How was performing at Coachella two years ago? When you ended the shelter tour?" She asked him. "Well the shelter tour was amazing, it was a project we had worked on for what seemed like forever, and, man, Coachella was great. I have never performed infront of so many people. It had to be my favorite show." He had a huge smile, "what was your other favorite shows?" Its like they didn't even realize I was there. "Probably the first and Seattle. Seattle was the end and the crowd had such great energy. Oh and Japan, they have a very unique energy. It amazing to see how much a different feel that these countries had." 

"Are you really that close with Porter?" Charlotte noticed me, and I blushed at her question between the two of them she always liked him and I was into Porter. "Well yeah, he's my best friend in the industry. We met over ten years ago we bother were beginning to produce music, I was only twelve. We are both pretty close with Skrillex, he was the one to help our careers out the most" He paused before adding, "He is really sweet. I've been thinking about him lately, he got back together with his ex, they were broken up for about two-three years. They got back together in April and they just broke up in June and he was real upset about it. I don't get it, he is so sensitive and out of anyone she should know, yet she just cheated on him at a festival that he took her too." "Oh man" Charlotte muttered, "He is coming this next weekend, we are both performing back to back. We plan on throwing shelter in the transition." "No fucking way," Charlotte exclaimed, "He has to stay with us, we can do a family dinner. Right Harper?" My face was hot and I think Hugo caught on after a minute because he had a devilish smile that had reflected Charlotte's.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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