Chapter 1

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Demi's POV

"You idiot you the one who made me spill my coffee", I said." What you ruined my suit were you trying to get my attention because if so you didn't get it slut", Stupid guy replied. "1.Do I look like I care that you suit is ruined, 2. I don't even know you you Neanderthal and I don't care and 3. Don't you dare call me a slut I will slice you like government cheese", I said and with that I slapped him.

Let me recap what happened.

I was running late for work when my bffl informed me I must come to his office after I've knocked off. I went to Starbucks to get coffee when this dude bumped into me and spilled our    coffees all over us." Oh man this was my favourite shirt, sorry dude",I said. He just replied," You should be sorry do you know how much it costs it costs more than you'll make in your whole life". Oh now he was getting on my nerves I was late for work and he keeps sprouting nonsense.

And to now.

"Look I said I'm sorry and I'm being the bigger person by saying sorry because if you weren't so busy on you phone you would have been able to see where you going", I said and with that I run out of Starbucks hurrying to work as I was late for my patients. I worked until I knocked off and went to see what Chris called me for.

Kyle on the side or top<

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