chapter I: one hectic day

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Dan's POV
" Hey, Phil!" I said as I was nearing the door, checking my fringe one last time with my handy phone.
"Yeah?" Phil yelled from across our apartment in the kitchen. It sounded like he had something crunching in his mouth .
"One, do we need anything from the store while I'm out?
Two, STOP EATING MY CEREAL!" I exclaimed currently tired of having empty bowls of cereal because of Phil's late night cravings.
"Uhh..We need more cereal" Phil sheepishly replied. " And maybe milk."
"'Maybe milk'? Why maybe? Oh nevermind, I'll be back in an hour. Try not to do anything stupid and get yourself hurt okay?" I know it sounds a bit parent-like but if you don't know Phil, you wouldn't understand. He can be a bit clumsy and he constantly gets himself into the weirdest situations..
I exited the apartment and carefully walked down the stairs to the elevator. I bumped into our neighbors Arron and Trace, they were a couple from across us and we didn't talk much, but they were decent people.
"Hello" waved Arron, Trace smiled
"Uh,Hi." I awkwardly smiled with a little wave and kept walking.
I didn't want to interact too much today, usually Phil would have a 5-10 minute conversation with our neighbors because they get along so well. I'm not entirely comfortable with them but I'm still nice anyway. I needed to get to hot topic fast, they were having a sale and
They had a leather black jacket that I wanted for half a year now.
I know, I'm sooo edge. But this leather jacket was calling my name and fit my aesthetic. I also knew that jacket sold out every freaking time I went to the mall to get something so I needed to be fast. With Phil at home, I should be able to get there 20 minutes faster (he's not a liability, he just stalls a lot because he acts on his random creativity too much) than if he were here trying to count how many ducks there were in the pond across our apartment building.
I finally entered the mall parking lot after calling a Uber and adventuring through traffic with the kindly Uber driver ( she was kind of a hippy but hey, who am I to judge?) That gave me a coupon for a tour through a bee farm and telling me over and over how we need to save the bees.
Out of respect I said nothing to the driver about the bee movie, although that didn't stop me from reciting the script in my head.
I think staying up until 2 am surfing through memes on Tumblr might not be good for my health. But then again, since when has anything I've done been good for my health?
I got out of the Uber car and quickly whilst pulling my hood up as it started to rain, which was really just the highlight of my day.(much sarcasm, wow) I booked it towards the mall doors hoping I was just in time to buy the leather aesthetic jacket. A couple of my fans from the internet noticed me and waved hi as they ran over to meet me. Now, I didn't want to be a prick and say ' I don't want to talk to you I've got to hurry', so I just smiled. I took a quick picture and ran as fast as I could up the elevator.(bad idea, my calfs have never been more cramped in my life) I raced towards the hot topic trying not to yell in agony because of my cramped leg and I rushed through the emo doors of hot topic heaven. There it was, the aesthetic black leather jacket that was practically screaming my name to put it on. I hopped on one leg towards it because my left leg hurt from running up the elevator. I realized at that moment there was a scene girl in the corner staring straight at me. It was actually kinda creepy to be honest. She just smiled at me as she flicked me off because I just grabbed the jacket. I'm guessing A) she's a bitch and hates me for no reason or B) she was jealous of my Swift SKILLZ on getting the jacket. Probably the first honestly, I mean a lot of people probably hate me by now. After I paid for it I left the store and called an Uber home.
After a awkwardly quite ride to the grocery store and a calm ride back to my apartment building I was ready to crash onto my bed and sleep.
I was climbing up the stairs and there was music coming from our neighbors apartment. I guess they were jamming out or something.
I put the key through the keyhole and opened the door to the entry way.
"Phil! I'm back!" I called, my voice echoing through the house."I got you some chocolate covered raisins because they looked like they would taste good!" I waited for a couple minutes for a response and I heard nothing. I placed the groceries onto the floor and put on my new jacket for some reason. I was excited to put it on. As I as getting my arm into the left sleeve I walked into the living room and stopped dead still.
I realized why it was so quite in the apartment..
My best friend was lying cold on the floor
"Phil? Wake up, I think you fell asleep or something." I awkwardly laughed hoping he would sit up to scare me and say it was all a joke.
I shook him
"Hey,Phil. This isn't funny anymore.. shock value is PewDiePie's thing. Last time I checked you weren't swedish.."
He wasn't moving.
I stopped talking and checked his pulse quickly.
His veins were black and his lips had turned blue.
His pale skin was even paler somehow and colder.
He had no pulse.
Phil was dead.
My best friend was dead.

(To be continued....)
( I hope you guys enjoyed this! Comment or like this story if you want more! This is my first fanfic I've ever written and I hope it's good for a first!)

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