Chapter 26

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Mon-El's POV

Kara was sleeping and i was sitting next to her just staring at her. Rao I love this woman. She is strong and independent and she is carrying my daughter. I. Was thinking of naming her... I was brought out of my thoughts by a lot of footsteps. I turn around and see Kitty with the glee club and I get up.

"Hey Kitty" I say leaving Kara's room

"Hey how's Kara?" Kitty asked

"Yes is fine and the baby is completely fine. Nothing has changed. She is just taking a nap but I think she's about to wake up.

"Thank God and they are really confused so just warn Kara that they will ask A LOT of questions." Kitty said putting emphasis on 'a lot'. I nod and enter Kara's room.

"Hey babe" Kara says as she sees me entering her room.

"Hey how are you feeling?" I ask

"So much better" she says with a smile

"Good and the glee club is here and Kitty says to warn you because they will ask a lot of questions." I say

"Ok let them in" Kara says will string up in the bed. I nod and walk out of Kara's room.

"You guys can come in" I say and they all enter Kara's room and surround the bed. I was able to tabs by Kara's bedside.

Kara's POV

"Go ahead ask but I will answer one at a time." I said

"Are you ok?" Blaine asked

"Yes I'm fine" I said

"Who was that?" Rachel asked

"My mother" Mon-El said

"But isn't she an alien?" Rachel asked

"Yes she is" Mon-El said

"So that makes you.." Blaine

"An alien" Mon-El said. The glee club stared at him and then at me. Kitty was by my side rubbing my back.

"Kitty how are you not shocked?" Unique asked

"Because I already knew" Kitty said sheepishly

"What how?" Ryder asked

"Long story" Kitty said

"I'll explain it later" I said turning the glee club's attention back to me.

"Are you an alien?" Mercedes asked and I sighed. I grabbed Mon-El's hand preparing myself.

"Yes" I said leaving the glee club shocked.

"What?" They all said in unison

"When I was 13 my planet, Krypton, exploded but my cousin and I were able to escape when are parents put us in pods to send us to Earth. Krypton's blast knocked my pod of course and I landed in the Phantom Zone. Time doesn't pass there so I stayed there 24 years. My pod somehow got back on course and I landed on Earth. When I landed my cousin already grew up and I was still a 13 year old girl." I said leaving them all shocked. They stayed like that for a moment processing the whole situation.

"Ok I think I finally processed things so what is it about a baby?" Jake said and I smiled

"I'm pregnant" I said and all the girls of  the glee club got so happy they hugged me.

"What if you are an alien then my suspicions are true. You are Supergirl."

"Yes I am" I said

"Ok this is a lot to process but the only thing I can say is congratulations and that is awesome" Ryder said. Jake still looked like he was processing the baby part. The glee club left because I needed to rest. Mon-El and I walked back to my apartment to sleep.

"Hey Mon-El?" I said as we were entering my apartment.

"Yeah" Mon-El said

"Do you want to move in with me?" I asked with a smile

"Yes" Mon-El said with a smile and we kissed. We broke apart with goofy smiles on our faces. I sighed and walked to our bedroom.

"Ahh I have to tell miss Grant that I'm pregnant tomorrow!" I said not looking forward to that.

"It's going to be ok!" Mon-El said and we fell asleep.

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