author's note

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all 30 chapters posted: april 15th 2017

hello and welcome to my new book!

if you're an og follower you may or may not remember a little book i wrote once upon a time called 'twenty eight stamps'. it wasn't huge, but it did develop a pretty good following behind it. a couple months after completing the book, believing i would delete my account, i deleted that book as well, only to keep the account and regret ever deleting my hard work.

but, like some sort of miracle, i found my old drafts for the book, so i've put quite a bit of time aside and rewritten it for you people. i tried to put a lot of thought and effort into making it as perfect as i can at my current stage of writing skill.

anyways, i will shut up now. i just wanted to say though, i really hope you guys enjoy the book — i know many of the loyal readers i once had on the book won't see this and probably won't be able to read the rewritten version which i'm quite sad about, but i really do appreciate anybody who clicks on this book and gives it a bit of their time.

it's a sad one, so prepare for a whole load of emotions!

votes and comments are totally up to you but are much appreciated. i really hope you like it, and i love you very much!

- lauren xoxo


"in which she writes a letter every day in february to the one who broke her heart, and watches as the pile of unsent envelopes gets larger."

© taintedskies on wattpad, 2017


credit to sereneur for the beautiful cover! <3

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