Chapter 3 : The Portals

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A giant spider approached Ellie.....
"MOVE OUT THE WAY, MOVE!" Lizzie warned Ellie, "Wha - WHAT? " Ellie shouted. Lizzie killed the Giant spider. "Come on, let's move!" Lizzie said.
And they walked through the dark creepy Hallway.
"Dark, Dark! Very dark in Here!" Lizzie said in a frightened voice. "Oh come on its not that dark, besides we brought.... Torches!" Ellie said. "I.... I guess so," Lizzie said.

They found a portal..
"hmm, a portal frame.... I wonder what's missing?" Lizzie asked. "um... I don't know, maybe we could search around the place" Ellie replied.
"okay then... " Lizzie said, And they searched around the place. And then Lizzie remembered that she had a Flint and Steel in her Backpack. "Ellie! I know how to lit the portal now! " Lizzie Shouted. "Okay! I'm coming" Ellie said. And Lizzie lit the portal using the Flint and Steel. "You wanna go first?" Ellie asked. "I'll go first" Lizzie said and she jumped in the portal followed by Ellie after.

"Okay we're here, Now what? " Ellie asked. "Well.... There are zombies trying to attack us so.... RUN!" Lizzie shouted. And they ran through the dark forest. "MOVE, MOVE, MOVE DONT STOP! " Ellie said. And they made it through the forest.
"Wait! The bushes are moving! " Lizzie said , and she looked around the bush... "AHHHH!" Arielle Was shocked. "A-Arielle?!" Lizzie Gasped. "Oh my god it's nice to see you Lizzie! You too Ellie!" Arielle said in excitement. "Nice too see you to Arielle!" They both said. "I was trapped in this world for like nearly 5 years." Arielle said. "wow, that must been a really long time" Ellie replied. "I Know! I'm just so glad you guys are here!" Arielle said. "Guys, not to ruin the excitement but..... Do you see a Building there? " Lizzie asked. "I do! " Arielle said. "Let's check it out! " Ellie replied to them. And they walked to the building, "It's a.... Mansion... " Lizzie said. They went inside the mansion.

"New commers" Sapphire said. "I agree..." Cherlie replied, "Guys, Calm down here.... This is Lizzie and Ellie my Friends!" Arielle said. "Friends? You say.... " Sapphire said. "Why are you being so mysterious? Sapphire" Lizzie asked. "Nothing, I'm just a... Mysterious person..." Sapphire replied. "There are two more people here! " Arielle said. "yes um, there are the twins Luke and Louis" Cherlie said. "umm..... Why are you here, Louis" Lizzie asked. "Same for you, why are you here Liz?" Louis said madly. "Call this a hunch but, do you two dont like each other?" Arielle asked. "Seems to me yes." Luke said.

"Ugh, would you two quit fighting?! " Ellie said. "Pfft. No." Lizzie said, "okay then, everyone go to the dinning room" Sapphire said. "Go in," Lizzie said. "Okay..... " Ellie replied. "Why are you not in, Louis?... I literally hate it when I say your name. "Same goes for me!" He said and he walked into the dinning room. "I didn't meant it, I was just....... ugh forget it... " Lizzie said to herself. "He was my friend.... Now we are enemies." She said. Arielle walked out of the dinning room. "Lizzie? Liz?" Arielle said, "Lizzie snap out of it!" Arielle said. "hah! Sorry I was thinking about stuff" Lizzie said. "Let me guess.... Louis?" Arielle asked "no.... Yes?" Lizzie said. Suddenly, "Lizzie come here... " Louis said. "okay." Lizzie replied. And she followed him to a room.

"Look, I know I have been prickly today and..... I just wanted to say..... Sorry..." Louise said. "...... Why privately?" Lizzie asked. "..... It's just....." He said... And he suddenly hugged Lizzie. "Wha- what are you doing" She said while blushing. "I miss when I hugged you when we were little" he said. "pfft... Your silly!" Lizzie said. "come on let's return to the others.... " Lizzie said. And they returned to the others. "What Took you so Long!" Sapphire asked. "Pffttt... " Ellie said. "W- what?" Lizzie asked. "Forget about that!" Arielle said "Lets just move on to the part why, I wanted you all to be Here!

"So me, Sapphire, Luke, Cherlie and Louis are stuck in this world for years! We found a portal frame but it's not lit yet! We need a Flint and Steel, Non of us have that!" Arielle said
"You say Flint and Steel eh? " Ellie said. "Yes a Flint and Steel!" Cherlie said. "Luckily... I have one! " Lizzie said, "No way No way! " Luke said in excitement. "Calm down Luke" Ellie said. "Come on Follow us we will show you the room! " Arielle said.
And they followed Arielle to a secret room.

"Here it is! The portal" Louis said.
Lizzie took out the Flint and Steel and she lit the portal. "Cool!" Cherlie said. "come on let's go In... " Lizzie said. "You, Alone? no it's not safe in there! " Louis said. "Not me..... But us...." Lizzie replied
"okay! In the count of 3!" Arielle said
"1....2....3!" They all said and they went inside the portal.

To Be Continued...

(p.s. I used @sabvishii 's characters for the story Arielle, Sapphire and Cherlie)

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