Chapter 4 : Sky City

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"Woah!" Lizzie gasped, They were in a sky City. "Well this is what I call Epic" Louis said in excitement. "wait where are Arielle, Sapphire and Cherlie? " asked Ellie. "I'm here!" Arielle said. "Where are Sapphire and Cherlie? I thought they were coming" Luke asked. "Um....i don't know?" Arielle said. "What!?" Lizzie and Ellie gasped. "I thought they followed us" Ellie said. "is there something your not telling us Arielle?" Lizzie asked."No! You see..... Sometimes if Sapphire goes in a portal let's just say. We are in B and she is in C, which means even if we go into the same portal she gets transported in ANOTHER world not the same as ours" Arielle explained. "If Cherlie?" Luke asked, "Portals don't work for her, I don't know why.... " Arielle said sadly. "That's....Ashame.." Louis and Ellie said.

Lizzie was staring at the sky, "I wonder what's wrong with Lizzie... " Louis said to himself, He approached Lizzie. "Um, Lizzie are you okay? " He asked. "I'm.... Fine" She answered, "Your not.... I know you're lying" Louis said. "You sister has been missing for years.... I was really lonely at home, Yes there is my mom and dad, but I have no one to talk to.... I don't know where she went, all I remember was.... We were playing suddenly she said 'wait sister I'm just going to get a drink' , and she never came back..... Then, I went outside my room.... I found her necklace" Lizzie said sadly. "I'm so sorry..." Louis said. "wait.... May I see the book you have? " Louis asked. "s-sure... " she said, she took out the book from her backpack and give it to Louis. "It's has an amulet, a rainbow amulet.... What will happen if we open it?" Louis asked " I rather not to.... " She said.

"Okay.... At least your fine with it" Louis said. "Guys! Come on! We have work to do!" Luke Shouted. "Okay, Okay.... You don't need to shout." Louis replied. "Come on Lizzie, it will be alright" Louis said to her, "Okay, " Lizzie replied. And they walked to the others. "There is a castle over there! Let's go there!" Arielle said. And they followed her into the castle, suddenly they met someone. "well, well, well... If isn't Lizzie," Scarlett said. "It's time your going down! " Lizzie said, "Your playing Me with Jokes? " Scarlett asked. "well, I'm not joking so, It's a no" Lizzie replied, Scarlett and Lizzie both took out their swords. "Okay Scarlett show me what you got." Lizzie said. They fought with their swords. "look, it's raining, thunder, it's night...." Lizzie said. "Oh My God! Your annoying" Scarlett shouted, "I know, and your more annoying than I am! " Lizzie said "AGHHHHH! " Lizzie said and they fought, then Scarlett's sword fell out the edge. "Wait! I.... Can explain!" Scarlett said "Come on! Just say it! " said Lizzie, "I was just jealous of you because you have awesome treasure and stuff!" Scarlett explained, "We only have like 5 treasures right now! It's not a big deal!" Ellie said. "She's Right," Lizzie said. "I'm... I'm sorry I surrender!" Scarlett said. "You better be...." Louise said angrily. "Get moving! " Arielle shouted. And they ran out of the castle. "We better find an escape route" Lizzie warned them, "you mean exit? " Louis asked. "Yes!" Lizzie replied.

"Water! There's a Fountain! There is land down there so, we can go down from the Fountain! All we have to do is to break the fountain, let it flow down so it can make a waterfall!" Lizzie said. "I can't believe your that smart" Louis said "Thanks, but we need to hurry now Louis!" Lizzie warned him. "How about Scarlett" Luke asked. "ugh, why?!" Lizzie said. And she walked in the castle "Get moving Scarlett your going to die here just follow me! " Lizzie said "okay..... " said Scarlett, and she followed Lizzie out from the castle. "Come on! Break the fountain!" Arielle said. And they broke the fountain, "Waterfall!" Louis said. And they all went down the waterfall. "Are we going to die here?" Ellie asked. "maybe! Let just see" Luke replied to her. "Why is no body freaking out?" Louis asked. "Freak out in the inside Louis, we got to move!" Lizzie said. And they landed, "Well.... I guess our journey has ended all we have to do now I find the portal and go home!" Ellie said. "There it is, The portal!" Arielle and they walked in the portal. "oh man, wait until we get home! Our Classmates will never believe.... It" Lizzie said "Well.... That was unexpected.... ". They we in a Hallway will thousands of portals in it.

To Be Continued...

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