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"Well, how are you sure about that Cody?" asked Alex.

"Well I've investigated remember?" Cody held up his briefcase.

"What's inside?" I asked.

"I hope it's cookies." said Jordan.


"Anyways,"Cody interrupted. "Let me show you what I've found.

Cody opened up his briefcase revealing various pictures of the house he was checking at last week, and a pack of cookies.


Cody shoved a cookie at Jordan's mouth and then kneeled in front of Alex as if he was proposing (for comedic purposes. Probably)."Here's my proof that there's no ghost in Castle Rock!"

"Oh, great. You're stalking people now and you look like you're proposing to her, can you believe this Alex?" I said.

Alex was just staring at Cody as if she was in a deep trance. "I do."

Apparently, Jordan heard what we were talking about. As soon as he heard the word proposal, he stopped happily eating his cookies. "W–What?"

This is very awkward.

Alex blushed furiously. " W-what? N-no no no! What I meant is, I do believe Cody about the house."

Cody looked dumbfounded, he looked at Jordan who just stared right back at him. And at Alex who was wearing a deep shade of red on her face.

"W-what?" Cody muttered at Jordan.

"Just explain about the house, please?" I pleaded.

Cody cleared his throat and sat down onto one of the chairs facing Alex. I sat down beside Alex. Jordan was back to eating cookies beside Cody.

He grabbed a picture of the white house and showed it to Alex and Jordan. "That's the house in the rumor right?"

"Yep." They both said.

"Do you have anymore cookies?"

"So, yeah. Let me explain," Cody sorted the pictures in order and started explaining stuff. "Based on my various research, I-"

"Wait, by research​, you mean extensive stalking-"

"And break-in's." Cody added.

"Oh, no. said Alex. "Not this again."

"W–Wait, what do you mean by 'break-in's'?" I asked.

"Well someone has to do the dirty work." said Cody.

"But this is illegal trespassing! Can you believe it guys? He's doing something bad!"

Alex was covering her face, muttering something about Cody's stupid antics, Jordan gave me a sympathetic look as if ranting about Cody's doings is the same as hoping for a miracle.

"Anyways," Cody continued. "As I was saying before, there is no ghost in the white street... I think."

Cody showed us a pic of the house. In the pic, the house looked normal except for the fact that it looked horribly unclean.

The lawn was obviously not taken care of. The grasses were at least a foot tall — the porch has cobwebs as if it wasn't clean for a long time, and the garage door looks rusted and worn-up that it may not open up again.

"As you can see in this picture, the outside is really unclean as if the house doesn't even have any residents living in it right?" said Cody.

"Yeah... it does look like a vacant house," said Alex. "How could you know that there isn't a ghost anyway?"

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