Chapter 15

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"Maybe if you'd stop pushing me this wouldn't be that big of a deal." I said for about the billionth time in a matter of five minutes. At least.

"Maybe if you'd just go in there then we wouldn't really be having a problem." One of the guards, known as Will, responded in a mocking tone.

"I clearly do not want to go in there with those psycho paths!" I shouted, pulling back from the door once more as they tried to push me in. I was not about to socialize with the world's most notorious criminals and murderers.

Will groaned, "Locke ordered us to put you in here, so just get the fuck in there."

"Just take me back to my cell... please." I turned to pleading, it was usually my only answer to getting what I wanted when I wanted it.

Will sighed, followed by the other unfamiliar guard. "Alright, fine."

I didn't pay attention to the constant whispering of guards as we walked by each and every one of them. I knew they were talking about me. And I knew exactly what they were talking about, too. They knew everything about me because of fucking Mr. Locke.

My cell wasn't any better than my old one in the other prison. Still a squeaky bed, leaky ceiling, disgusting floors. Everything was the same... just maybe a little worse.

But, besides everything that had happened to me... all the pain I'm in, I still can't stop thinking about Riley. How she tried to stop Locke from beating me yesterday.

I laid my back against the wall of my cell, relaxing my muscles and shoulders. I closed my eyes and attempted to clear my mind, but I still kept finding some way to think of Riley. I'd find myself thinking about her hair, her eyes, her lips... everything. It was impossible to escape the simple thought of her.

"Harry," I even began hearing her soft voice call my name, and damn, it sounded so fucking real.

"I must be going insane," I whispered to myself, "it really sounds like you're here."

"That's because I am."

My head sprung up immediately, my heartbeat speeding up to about a hundred beats per second. My eyes widened at the sight of her, I actually wasn't hallucinating. She was here. Riley was standing right outside my cell. Her brown eyes were full of more worry than usual.

I jumped up from my sitting position and sprung toward her. My fingers wrapped around the metal bars, looking straight into her curious eyes. They were beautiful. Much glossier than usual.

"Harry..." she whispered, "what did he do to you?"

Her hand reached through the bars slowly, all the fear that she once had was all gone now. Her tiny hand caressed my bruised and still reddened cheek. I sighed and leaned the weight of my head against her hand. She didn't hesitate to begin rubbing tiny soothing circles with her thumb.

"You have to leave," I mumbled, ignoring her question.

"But - but I had to see you." She whispered, leaning her head desperately against the metal bars in attempt to getting closer. 

I pressed my forehead against hers the best I could, except only about twenty percent of our skin was actually touching. "And I'm glad you did... but if Locke finds you back here, he'll kill us both."

Her eyes fluttered a couple of times before nodding in agreement with me. I was about to pull away when I just so happened to reach my hand out of the bars and grab her hand, pulling her back to me. I noticed how dark her left cheek was, as if it had been slapped.

"What happened." It came out more as a demand instead of a question.

She sighed, "I-It's nothing."

"Lying will get you nowhere." I replied.

She tried her best to avoid eye contact with me, which only annoyed me and she knew that it was. I wrapped my hand softly around her chin, turning her head so she could look at me. "Now, tell me. Please." I whispered, pecking her nose with my lips tenderly.

"M-Mr. Locke," she finally got out. "He just - he slapped me. We were arguing and stuff."

I could feel myself tense up as she stuttered her sentences out. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He actually laid a hand on her. He had the nerve to slap her.

"If I could get out of here and get my hands on Locke I swear..."

She gasped and cut off my words by pressing her little hand over my mouth. "Harry, quiet. If anyone hears you then you'll be in huge trouble." Riley whispered before removing her hand slowly from my mouth.

Her small fingers traced my lips, every outline and indent. Her eyes were focused intently on everywhere her finger moved. I puckered my lips out, placing a kiss upon her finger. "Everything's gonna be fine," I mumbled, grabbing her hand and kissing her inner arm. "I promise," I added, mumbling against her smooth skin.

My eyes glanced up at her, her lips were parted as she watched me. It took her a few minutes before she pulled her arm away from me. "If they see us..." was her excuse.

"I don't care anymore. What else can they do to me that they haven't already?" I asked, reaching my hands out of the metal bars. I grabbed onto her hips and pulled her forward so she was pressed up against the bars and me. I needed her closer.

"They could kill you," she whispered in reply.

I chuckled, making sure to keep my voice down as well. "I'm already dead, babe."

A small gasp escaped her when I pressed my lips against hers. It gave me the perfect opportunity to part my own lips and slide my tongue easily into her mouth. This kiss was different then the last one. The last one was so rushed and she was pushing me off the whole time. This one was more slow, more relaxed, more tender.

I was shocked when I felt her lips moving against mine in a slow rhythm, her tongue rubbing against mine in delicate strokes. She was an amazing kisser. And god, I needed her in here with me.

Her hands finally rested against my chest until she slowly moved them up to cup my cheeks. Her actions deepened the kiss and gave me a little bit more advantage to use more of my tongue in her mouth.

She sighed into my mouth when my hand began massaging her hip. Our heads switched sides every once in a while to get a different angle in our kiss and possibly deepen it even more, if it was possible. I just wanted her body closer, I needed her body closer. But apparently these bars didn't agree with me. Her tiny fingers tugged at my hair earning a small groan from me. She wanted me closer just as bad as I wanted her closer.

There was a noise that made us part. Both of our heads were turned in the direction it came, only to see nothing at all. Both of our chests were moving rapidly from the intensity of the kiss.

She turned her head back to me, our faces were still dangerously closer and her hands were still connected to my cheeks and hair. "I should go," she whispered.

"No, please." I grumbled, pressing my face against hers.

"Harry, I have to. I'll try and come see you again soon. If I can find an excuse to get away from Mr. Locke without him suspecting anything." She let out a small giggle, so small it was almost silent.

I nodded, deciding to give in to her.

"Please stop getting beat up," she said, rubbing her thumb over my bruises."It's not a good look for you."

I smiled, "Anything looks good on me."

"Don't be cheesy," Riley giggled.

I finally pulled apart from her, smiling at our silly conversation. "I'll try not to get beat up again."

She smiled at me before walking away from me and down the hallway. My smile was already gone by the time she was gone and I was mentally shooting myself with a machine gun.

I'm not supposed to be falling for Riley.

a/n: sooooo sorry for taking so long to update! what did you think of riley/harry kiss oooo?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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