Chapter 13

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I felt like shit.

For many reasons.

One of the reasons being that I made a stupid decision to kiss Riley and I completely blame that idiot Jet for telling me to do it; and I being the stupid idiot who listened to him. Wow, nice job Harry. It's a great idea to kiss the girl who's mom you killed and she thinks that you're completely innocent. And to top it all off, it's all on camera.

My luck had possibly changed for the better, although. Locke hadn't come bitching about it to me just yet. But when he does, it's going to be hell. I know that for sure.

Another reason why I feel like shit is this whole Alcatraz thing. They're sending me out this afternoon, which is approximately in an hour.

I couldn't help but find myself thinking about Riley, although. How her lips were so soft and gentle against mine. They were a perfect fit. The way her mouth tasted; like mint gum and a hint of peppermint. Perfect combination.

And fuck, the way her tongue felt against mine. Her hot breath fanning into my mouth and her hands pushing on my chest. Although she was trying to push me off the whole time, I thought of it as a complete turn on.

I'm over thinking this majorly.

The kiss shouldn't have happened. I mean, I enjoyed it, I really did. But it was so stupid of me to do it. I remembered Jet telling me I needed to get closer to her before I left for Alcatraz... so I did. And man, it back fired.

"Mr. Styles, we're ready to go."

My head whipped around to find Ted standing outside of my cell, handcuffs in his hand. I let out a small sigh as I arose from the squeaky bed and over to the bars. He unlocked my cell and placed the handcuffs over my wrists. Ted made sure they weren't too tight on my wrists, considering I had red circles going all the way around them because the cuffs were far too tight the last time I had them on.

"It's not as bad as they make it out to be." Ted mumbled in my ear as we walked down the barren hallway. It took me a minute to realize he was referring to Alcatraz.

"Are you just saying that to get me to feel better about all this? So I won't be as frightened as I am right now?" My words came out slowly.

Ted sighed, "Yeah."


My palms were sweating and my head felt as if it was about to spin right off my head as I stepped out of the small transportation prison vehicle. I was here. I had made it to Alcatraz.

I was being escorted by two large guards in dark uniforms. Unlike the ones from the prison. These men were much more buff and built.

"Where are we going?" I asked, watching as the hallway in front of us only got darker.

I got no response with that. The guards only continued to lead me on until we entered a room with haunted looking features to it.

The guards sat me down roughly in a spare chair. It felt as if it was going to crumble beneath me and I could feel myself sitting on a liquid. "W-What am I sitting on?"

"Blood," was the simple response from one of the guards.

My eyes widened and I squirmed slightly, "C-Can I please move to a different chair? I'd rather not sit in blood... especially if it's not from me."

"Shut up," they both responded harshly. I rolled my eyes.

The room filled with silence for what seemed like hours. I occupied myself by staring at the blank wall in front of me and trying not to think about this blood that my ass was probably being covered with. I already hate it here.

"We've been requested to straighten you up, Mr. Styles. For many reasons." A guard stepped in front of me and spoke slowly.

I chuckled lowly, "Alright. Let me guess, Locke told you to do this. Yeah, I know I'm right there's no point in telling me otherwise."

The guard stepped forward and slammed my back against the chair, holding onto my jump suit collar. "Already getting on my bad side, aren't you?" He said through gritted teeth.

I scowled at him, "I'm only telling the truth."

He slammed my back against the chair once more, "Listen here, kid. You're not in a small prison anymore. You're in a living fucking nightmare now. You're never gonna get off the hook here."

I swallowed at his choice of words. "I don't deserve this."

It was his turn to chuckle lowly now. "Oh, really? So after killing an innocent woman, lying to everyone at that damn prison, disobeying rules... you still think you deserve another chance? It doesn't work like that, Harry. You've run out of chances."

"You don't know shit!" I yelled.

"I know enough!" He responded. My eyes scanned down to his badge. His name was Ian. And fuck I already hated his guts.

"You're really stupid," he said, making my eyes look back up at him. "I don't think I've ever met someone as stupid as you, actually. I mean- that kiss."

My eyes widen, "W-What?"

"Mr. Locke is furious, Harry. He's coming out here tomorrow to have a nice little talk with you. Right now he's having to talk with Riley."

My lips pursed together, "If he fucking lays a hand on her I swear-"

Ian chuckled, "You'll what? Harry, you're going to be monitored every second. There's no way in hell you can get out of here so you might as well start getting used to this lifestyle."

"It was my fault, not hers. I kissed her. None of this is her fault so don't drag her into it, please." I croaked out.

"That's Mr. Locke's decision to do anything, not me. I just find it a little odd that she kissed her mother's murderer." Ian said, tapping his index finger to his chin as if he was thinking intently.

"I kissed her," I corrected.

"I don't give a fuck who kissed who! The footage shows you two kissing, and that's all that fucking matters. You're a messed up man, Harry Styles."

"I've been told that a countless amount of times. Doesn't really affect me anymore." I responded with a gruff.

Ian was about to respond, probably with another smartass remark, until a phone began ringing. Ian got up and released me from his grip, causing me to slump back down into the bloody seat. Literally.

Ian stayed on the phone for a few minutes, and all I could hear was yelling coming from the other line.

"Alright Mr. Locke. I'll see you soon." Ian then hung up the call and turned to me, a smirk plastered across his horrendous face.

a/n: sorry it took so long to update! but i hope y'all liked the chapter. please vote :)

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