Pretty Brown Eyes - Part 4

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Featuring: Cody Simpson, Alli Simpson, Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande.

Part 4

You stepped out of the taxi and was blinded by flashing lights and bombarded with questions from the paparazzi. Cody had always said never answer question from anyone (other than the fans of course). He always said that they twist your words and make you look bad. In the words of Justin Bieber 'they're just waiting to see you fall'. For Cody's sake you acted like nothing had happened, you didn't want people asking more questions than they already were. 

He wrapped his arm around your waist as you both posed for pictures. You were slightly uncomfortable but went along with it anyway. Cody answered a few about the tour and his future career, you made your way over to Alli. She was stood at the entrance the club waiting for you.

Once you had passed security you were inside. There were corridors which lead to a main room where the party would be taking place. It was pitch black in the corridor and your only guidance was the sound of the beating music and a small light coming from the fire exit. As you stumbled your way through you accidentally bumped into someone and stumbled to the floor. "I'm sorry" you said to the stranger. You felt his hands guide you back to your feet and help you gain your balance. "Its fine Bambi, kinda hard to see with no damn lights in here" the stranger said back laughing. It was a man and his voice sounded so familiar but you couldn't think who it was. "Bambi?" you questioned.

"Yeah you know like the Disney film? You must have weak ankles if you fall over that easily" he laughed again. You smiled but realised that it was too dark for him to see.

As you reached the end of the corridor a door was opened to reveal a huge room filled with people. It was illuminated by a range of flashing lights and lasers. They seemed to move with the beat of the music. You turned to find Alli. You had lost her in the madness of the corridor.

There seemed to be 4 crowds of people. One by the bar drinking the stock of liquor, one on the dance floor making fools out of themselves twerking and falling over, one sat in various booths laughing and drinking cocktails and then the VIP's which luckily you were a part of. 

The person you bumped into earlier had disappeared which disappointed you as you hoped to get a glimpse of his face. There were 2 security men stood at the entrance to the VIP area. A simple red rope separated you and the other VIP's from everyone else. You showed them your pass and they let you through.

The VIP area was quite small compared to the other areas of the club. You couldn't help but dread the night ahead as you would have to spend all night in this small space with Cody. The VIP area had a small bar and around 6 or 7 round tables and booths with several of people who you had never met before.

Only one person caught your eye. She was stood at the bar laughing and her reddish brown hair was in loose curls down her back. She wore a short plain black short skirt with a white blouse tucked in and knee high socks with black heal shoes. She turned around and her face lit up as she saw you. Ariana. You smiled back and she waved you over.

You made your way over to her at the bar. "You must be (Y/N)?" she asked sweetly. You nodded and she gave you a hug. "Cody has told me so much about you" she laughed. "I love your outfit" you said to her. You really couldn't believe you were talking to Ariana Grande. She smiled at you and asked "So where is Cody, can't believe he isn't even here yet, late to his own party “she shook her head. She sounded like she really wanted to see him which made you jealous. You shrugged instead of telling her where he actually was.

"Drink?" the bar man said. You nodded and he passed you over a glass of blue liquid. Downing the drink in one you turned and saw Alli who was sat with some producers and the tour managers; she was giving you a weird look. Leaving Ariana at the bar you made your way over to Alli. She stood and grabbed your arm pulling you into the bathroom.

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