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*Yoongi POV*

My fingers danced across the keys as I swayed gently to the melody. My eyes closed, feet moving in sync with the rhythm...I felt...at peace, I felt happy.

I touched the last key and sighed in satisfaction. I still got it. Its been a while since I've played the piano. I remember how much Jungkook loved it. He would always want me to play for him.

He would sit on the edge of it just looking down to me with a softest smile on his face. I loved it. I felt like I mattered when all of his attention was glued to me. I miss how we used to be...before everything happened...

I felt a presence of someone watching me and I quickly looked over my shoulder. There he was, beauty itself, staring at me with a bright smile. Jungkook...

*Jungkook POV*

"You still play wonderfully." I spoke with a smile. "I heard it from the hall and I knew it was you. You're so unique."

Yoongi smiled and waved for me to come to him. He scooted over and patted the space next to him. I sat down. "Do you remember?" He spoke tracing along the keys.

My heart pounded as I looked at him. Do I remember? "Of course I remember."

I smirked and stood up walking over to the other side of the piano and leaning against it. "Play me something."


"I said play me something. You know how much I admire listening to your music." The words came out of my mouth so smoothly. Almost as if it was as natural as breathing.

Yoongi chuckled and placed his fingers at specific points on the piano and began to play. He gets so lost in the music, even I feel it. My eyes gazed all across his face, his chin, his lips, his nose, his eyes...

Even though He wasn't looking directly at me, I was looking at him and he was looking back. The song lasted a few more minutes before it ended.

He looked up at me and we were silent for a few seconds. "Jungkook I-"

"Jungkook!" someone yelled from down the hall. Me and Yoongi both jumped and looked at the door.

My eyes widened when I seen two people there. Jimin was being held by his throat as he smirked in my direction before glaring at Yoongi, then back to me.

His name stuttered out of my mouth. "T-Taehyung."

Jimin wiggled around before Taehyung let him go. Taehyung walked up to me and looked me up and down, the same to Yoongi. "Are you two enjoying yourselves?"

I was in shock. "W-why? Whats going on?" I was so confused, I didn't know what was going on.

*Jimin POV*

Where did Jungkook and Yoongi go? I thought to myself while walking down the hallway. I stopped when I heard a piano being played. Wow it was so lovely. I followed the music to a small room and I peaked inside.

There they were. I smiled, Jungkook was leaning against the piano as Yoongi played. It was a beautiful scene and the music was perfect. Im so jealous of Yoongi but the way Kookie looks at him...I cant complain...he is happy.

There were footsteps coming towards me and turned to see Taehyung walking to me. He stopped when he got to me. "Hey Tae."

"Have you seen Jungkook?" He said with a blank face...ignoring my question.

I looked at him oddly. "Why?"

He looked away from me and listened to the music coming from the room. "Where is he?"

"I dont know." I said quickly.

Without a second thought I felt his hand around my neck and he dragged me into the room. I seen an evil smile grow across his face. "T-Taehyung." Jungkook froze and he let me go. I collapsed trying to catch my breath.

*Yoongi POV*

I watched intently as Taehyung walked up to Jungkook. I stood up and glared at him. "Why what are you doing?" Jungkook said shaking.

"Nothing, just looking for my boyfriend." Taehyung smiled at him. Boyfriend.

I glanced at Jimin who had the same face as me, Jungkook looked terrified. "Excuse me?" I spoke up. "He isnt here."

Taehyung looked over to me before grabbing onto Jungkook. "He is right here." He smirked.

Jungkook pushed him away. "I am not your boyfriend."

Taehyung grabbed ahold of his wrist as Jungkook gasped. His grip tightened before looking back at me. "He is mine."

I seen Jimin tense up and started walking I stopped him. "No." I looked at him directly in the eyes. "He is not." Jungkook winced in pain as I seen Taehyung dig his nails into my boyfriends skin. I stepped forward. "Let him go."

Taehyung chuckled. "Why?"

"You're hurting him." I growled.

"So?" Taehyung scoffed. "Do you not remember what you did to him?" I didnt answer as he pulled up Jungkooks sleeve revealing scars of my own nails. There were still small bruises.

I looked away in shame. "Let him go." I spoke again.

Taehyung didnt listen to me as he got closer to Jungkook. Jungkook tried getting away but Taes hold was too strong.

I clenched my fists which caused them to crack. "I will say it one more time." Taehyung looked at me as I looked directly at him. "Let. Jungkook. Go."

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