Chapter 3 | The Dark Truth of Dreams

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After hours of debating, Katherine and I eventually decided to head to my childhood home town the next day. We took the train directly toward my home town. The train ride was peaceful with wide open landscapes rushing by, whilst also traveling through areas of small towns. Suddenly, while my attention was transfixed by the landscape, my focus was ripped away by Katherine deciding to ask me a question. "Hey Lucy, can I ask you something?" She questioned me from over the grey train table.

I focused on my attention on Katherine and replied, "yeah what did you want to ask?" Half of me wanted to know what Katherine wanted to ask while the other half wanted to distract my mind from thinking about our destination.

Katherine straightened out the edges of her white dress, straightening out the red polka dots all over it. Katherine then returned her focus back to me and responded, "well it's just you don't really talk about your home life" she started.

"Yeah so?" I tried pressing her conversation further on so she would ask her true question.

Katherine shifted uneasily in her seat before she continued, "well you've never really talked about your mom or your dad even when you came back from visiting your home for five months" She explained.

I exhaled audibly and ran my fingers through my hair before I replied to her question, "well when I was visiting home two months ago, nothing really happened it was mostly a blur then I moved back in with you, simple story" my tone was extremely nonchalant.

Katherine nodded in response showing her understanding, but her face changed to another form of curiosity as she asked another question, "how come you don't speak about your mom and dad then?"

I thought about my answer until finally I replied "Well my father passed away about two years ago and my mother was never really the same after that. But I never really connected with her because of--" I stuttered cutting myself off with uncontrollable tears. "Well, me and my mother never really connected after she forced me into taking the purple pills, I could never look her in the eye and think of her as a 'loving' mother again." I explained as Katherine nodded and lowered her head slightly.

Katherine seemed to be satisfied by my answer but also seemed saddened as reflected in her response "I'm sorry are you okay?" She questioned.

I gave a smile in response to which Katherine seemed surprised and confused by. "Well I'm okay I grew up with my imperfect family life with an odd condition. So honestly there is no need to apologise Katherine" I explained to which Katherine exhaled in response, clearly I had relieved her worry.

Me and Katherine waited for the train to reach our destination and eventually we did. As we pulled into the station the carriages rocked slightly on the tracks as the small amount of people also on the train shuffled to the exit and everyone left the train and entered the same familiar train station waiting area.

Me me Katherine stood waiting for everyone to leave before we even tried to exit the station. When we shuffled along to the exit I was filled with memories of my childhood and my father taking me on day trips out to anywhere he could just trying to make me smile.

I remembered from my childhood one day trip where my father took me to a museum of natural history. I remember running off and my father chasing after me into the hordes of children gawping at the large skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus-Rex it's humungous mouth wide open as if it was ready to snatch up anyone in the crowd and eat them in one whole bite!

After I ran away from my father to see the Tyrannosaurus-Rex I expected my father to be mad.

But my fathers reaction was astounding!
He didn't 'tell me off'
He didn't reprimand me!
All he did was smile and tell me about the magnificent collection of bones.

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