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"H-hello?" I manage to choke out down the phone, failing to hide that I've been crying, not that I care anyway.

"I'm outside your house, where are you?" Louis asks and I'm immediately relieved that it’s him.

"Oh uh, I'm a few blocks away I'll be right over sorry" I don't even know why I'm apologising.

"Don't worry about it Frank, just take your time I'll be waiting outside"

"Okay I'm just coming"

"Alright bye"

As soon as I end the call I drive straight home, just wanting to be with someone, anyone. I pull into the drive and get out of my car. I walk over to Louis and as my eyes look at his face I can't stop myself from crying again.

"Hey, hey it's alright" Louis envelopes me in a hug, rubbing my back to soothe me. "It's alright"

"I've messed up Lou, I've messed up" I sob into his chest.

"What are you talking about? No you haven't" he pulls away and I look into his eyes. He brings his thumb up to my cheeks to wipe away my tears. "Let’s get inside yeah?" I nod and walk past him to unlock the door.

Once we're inside Louis walks straight to the kitchen and puts the kettle on, I quietly lean against the kitchen counter trying not to cry.

"We'll get through this yeah? Just like we did last time" he gives me a half smile and I nod. "Here you go, that should make you feel better" he hands me a cup of tea and I thank him quietly before taking a sip. There's a moment of silence before he starts talking again.

"Zayn's staying for a week then he's going back to Uni. He stayed and trained with us but it was awkward. I don't know, the boys and I didn't really want his there, especially after what happened..."

"I shouldn't have got out the car. I should have just listened to you. I always screw up" I let out a long sigh.

"No you don't yo-"

"Yes I do" I cut him off, "I screwed up my chance to play women's football, I've screwed up my relationship with my Mum and Dad and I've screwed up my relationship with Zayn"

"No Frank, you're not a screw up ok? Zayn was the one who screwed it up. Not you. You can't blame yourself alright? He had us all fooled."

"I should just become a Nun" Louis laughs but the amusement drains from his face when he realises that I'm not joking.

"Come on, now you're over reacting"

"Am? Really? Because I don't think I am. I thought I could move on from this whole Zayn situation, I was moving on but now he's back and I just feel like nothing again." My eyes fall to the floor, ashamed at what I'm saying. "Can we just leave this now? I already feel drained so I think I'm just going to go to bed and see how I feel in the morning. You're welcome to stay if you want"

"I'll stay, it's easier you know" he shrugs, taking my now empty mug from me and placing it in the sink along with his own mug.

"I'll go set up the spare room" I mutter as he washes our mugs.

"No it's fine I'll do it Frank, just go to bed I know where everything is anyway" he turns and gives me a warm smile. I don't bother arguing against it so I go upstairs and change into an oversized t-shirt and shorts to sleep in.

I hear Louis walking up the stairs just as I get into bed, as he walks past my door he says a quick goodnight and goes into the spare room.

I can't quite tell when I actually get to sleep, if I did it wasn't much. I just keep thinking about everything, even when I try to sleep Zayn seems to slip his way back into my mind. But eventually I manage to slip into a not-so peaceful sleep.

I wake up to the beautiful smell of bacon seeping into my room. A smile forms on my face as I realise that Louis is cooking me breakfast. I knew there was a reason I love him so much. I slowly get out of bed, not wanting to leave it's warmth but also wanting to fill myself with bacon. As I walk down the stairs I pull my hair into a loose ponytail using a hair band from my wrist. When I enter the kitchen, Louis is quietly singing to himself as he cooks.

"Honestly Lou I don't know why you're not a famous singer" I tease him as I make my way over to him.

"Haha" he laughs sarcastically, "morning to you too"

"Hey I'm only joking you're got a beautiful voice" I wrap my arms around his waist from behind his as he stands with his back to me as he cooks.

"Yeah yeah, you're just saying that because I'm cooking for you" I laugh, pulling away from him so I can lean against the counter next to the cooker. We’re quiet for a little while, I stand and watch Louis cook the bacon, wishing time would hurry up so I can just eat.

“How are you feeling?” Louis asks, moving the bacon around in the pan and then he looks to his left at me. I shrug and then look away from him and at the fridge opposite me.

“I don’t know, I’m trying not to think about everything but it’s not really working” I admit. I’ve come to terms with the fact that Zayn is back, despite it only being for a brief time I know it’s going to have an effect on me. I’ll probably end up seeing him again, it wouldn’t surprise me if he attends our football training again. Thinking about football training, I’m reminded of the little scene Zayn and I made at training yesterday and I immediately think of Shaun and feel bad. He’s already brought up me getting in the way of training before and now that I’ve done it again I even more guilty.

“Frank?” Louis says my name and I look to him.

“What?” I say, clueless as to whether he was talking to me previously, if he was then I was too busy thinking to pay attention.

“I asked you if you fancied doing something, to get your mind off of things y’know?”

“Yeah alright, but what?” I can’t help but smile at what Louis has suggested, he always seems to know how to cheer me up!

“I know just the thing” he grins, which worries me, it’s the type of grin where I know he’s up to no good. “Right, eat your bacon and get dressed, I’ll be back in an hour” Louis says and I do as instructed and he leaves the house.

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