Chapter Five

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By ten to nine, the small family had arrived at school. Renesmee, after saying goodbye to her family, rushed towards the gate where she waited for her friend whilst the others entered the building. It didn't take too long before Maddie rounded the corner and approached the half vampire whose eyes soon widened in complete horror "oh my god!!" she exclaimed at the sight of the younger teenagers battered face "what the hell happened?!". Shaking the girls concern off, Maddie sent her a smile "relax, I'm fine" she reassured as if her bruised and cut face were nothing to be concerned about; Renesmee refused to leave it at that "you're not fine!! Did someone beat you up?!" she furthered her questioning as they began to make their way towards and into the school. "Something like that" Maddie mumbled as they walked through the doors "can you please just drop it? I'm fine" she asked, earning a slow and hesitant nod "alright" Renesmee sighed out "but you can talk to me Maddie, about know that, right?". Taken back by the teenager's words, Maddie - just as hesitant as her friend was only seconds ago - nodded her head "yeah....I know". As the bell rung out, the two friends parted ways as they ventured through the many hallways to their separate classes; they had agreed to meet at their usual table during their breaks and lunch. The first two lessons - Science and English - went fine; Maddie noticed yet ignored the odd looks she had suddenly gained - due to her face. How she wished she were able to cover her injuries. Edward had asked about her beaten face after he had said hello at the beginning of their science lesson, as did Bella during English, but they had both received the exact same answer that she had given their daughter earlier that morning.

Now that it was break, Maddie - as arranged - met up with her friend before they sat down at their table in the corner of the canteen "so I was wondering" Renesmee began as her friend pulled out her sketch book and a pencil "if you wanted to come over to mine for dinner tonight?" that was a surprise; Maddie thought for a moment, seeming unsure "em....I don't know" she rubbed the back of her neck "I'd have to call and ask John and...will your family be alright with me coming over?" she questioned "you know I don't think most of them like me all that much". Renesmee rose a brow before shaking her head "don't be silly" she grinned "my family like you...they can't not like someone they barely know" she did have a point "and they already know I planned to ask you and approved of the idea". Thinking about the offer, Maddie couldn't deny that the idea of going over to her friend's house and have dinner sounded like something she would like to do; she had never had a friend, let alone go over to their house. "Hmm...I'll have to call and ask John" she stated as she thought "but...if he says yes, then sure" she smiled; her friend cheered with pure happiness, making both laugh in amusement. Suddenly, the bell rung once again "I'll call him at lunch" Maddie informed before asking if they were to meet at the table again; Renesmee nodded before they said goodbye to one another - as well as adding a quick hug as the half vampire pulled her friend into a tight squeeze. Unknown to her was that Maddie had to fight off groaning out in pain - her damn ribs.

Upon reaching her art class, Maddie noticed that it was once again only herself, Jasper, and Mrs Smith. Today, they were to work on their shading techniques; Maddie chose to continue with her wolf drawing that she had started on two days before. To her shock, however, Jasper had sat a seat closer to her which she honestly wasn't expecting; her shock tripled when the older teenager turned towards her and began to talk "I'm Jasper Hale by the way" he introduced "you're Maddie Hunter right? Friends with my niece?" he asked, although he already knew the answer to both of his questions; nevertheless, Maddie nodded "yeah, I am" she sent the man a small smile "it's nice to meet you Jasper". Nodding, the unknown vampire continued "my apologies if I came across as rude yesterday" he stopped drawing as he faced the younger teenager "I was....having a bad day and didn't trust my voice" it might have been a lie but Maddie appeared to believe it "you weren't rude at all, don't worry" she reassured "besides, you know what they say - if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all - right?". Returning the young girls smile, Jasper agreed with her statement "quite right" and with that, they returned their attention to their work. Maddie couldn't help but detect a slight accent hidden within the man's voice; it was as if he were trying to hide it. She wondered why? Throughout the rest of the lesson, the two held small conversations whilst they worked; neither noticed the smiles that Mrs Smith continued to send them - art wise, her two students had a lot in common and it was nice to see. Eventually, the bell once again rang. The two packed up their things and said goodbye to their teacher after showing their work to her; she was impressing of course and wished them a good day. As it was now lunch, Jasper suggested they walk to the canteen together; Maddie couldn't help but smile as she happily agreed. Upon their arrival, the two art students parted ways so that they could go to their own tables; Maddie joined her friend who was gleefully grinning. "Looks like you and Jasper are getting along" she chirped up; Maddie nodded as she explained their increase in conversations during their art class "you don't call him Uncle Jasper?" she asked. Shaking her head, Renesmee explained how it was easier to call her uncles and aunts by their names "but I call Bella and Edward mom and dad of course".

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