Good Bye - Chapter 15

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I turned back once after leaving the bus. Would they ever forgive me? Would I ever see Zayn again? Lottie? Would Louis always hate me? Would Eleanor and Veronica become friends? Ever? Would I ever get to see Eleanor?

I headed towards the door of the airport this is Good bye.




Why would she lie to me? Did she really not know about her sister and Eleanor not liking each other? Had Louis made her leave? Was she gone?

I quickly got off my bunk and towards the living room. Eleanor and Louis were watching the telly like nothing happened. Liam was on twitter and Niall and Lottie were whispering things to each other. I didn't feel like interrupting so I went back to my bunk. Wait, where is Harry? I don't even remember him sitting down with us. I got up again and to the back where Harry was watching a movie.

"Hey Haz" I smiled. he looked at me.

"Sorry Makay was kicked out" He said, turning his attention to the movie.

"Yea, me too" I sighed. I walked into the bunkroom and Jesse looked at me from his bunk.

"Oh hey, Zayn, Makay gave this to me to give to you, when you're ready" Jesse said, handing me a note.

Dear Zayn,

I don't know when you will get this. You might never get it. Well, I am really here to say sorry. I am writing this write now and today is the day you kissed me for the first time. The day we tried to make things work. I don't know if you know this but, I'm not who I said I was.

Eleanor is my sister's roommate. I never told a lie. This is true. But, Veronica, my sister, and Eleanor don't get along. It was only simply because of Veronica lying over something stupid. I don't even remember what it was. Something about a test.

I also wanted to let you know, I really love you. Yes, people will tell me, how do you know, it's too soon to tell. Well they're wrong. I obviously know how I feel towards you. Every time you said my name, my heart flutters, I get a fuzzy feeling. Every time you kiss my cheek, I feel horrible and wonderful at the same time. I constantly think how I am not good enough for you, and I am nothing compared to Perrie was. I wonder how you love me. I don't even love me.

I also want you to know me. I am going to tell you some things you never knew about me.

1. TOTAL VEGITARIAN! I don't like meat, and I would rather not tell the other members of the band or Lottie or whoever else is with us.

2. I have one sister and that's it. I have one cousin, he is all I got. My aunt is very sweet, unlike my uncle. He is very abusive.

3. I live with them. My aunt, cousin, and I are constantly beaten, please understand why I was so happy. Mainly because you saved me from myself. Everything I thought I was. My sister was never beaten. My uncle doesn't even know about Veronica. Her godfather took her in.

4. My parents don't know I exist. They knew they had Veronica and then me. Veronica was put up for adoption and her godfather took her in. A nice couple took me in. Until they had passed away. I was given to a relative. My aunt and uncle. They don't know where my parents are. They are rich and live somewhere in New York. I have no idea where. Their names are Michael and Michelle.

5. I am always being bullied. Sometimes I can't sleep because of it, but that works out because that's when the guys tweeted when I lived in Seattle.

6. When I went to visit my sister for family weekend, she introduced her godparents as mom and dad, nobody knew.

I hope you understand now. I love you. Goodbye.


Makayla Danielle Williams.

"YOU" I yelled walking over to Louis. "I fucking hate you"

"What did I do?" He spat. "You didn't even put up a fight to keep her here. She can go live her fucking precious life with her parents back in Seattle"

"She has no parents" I screamed, everyone looked shocked. Even Eleanor.

"Yes she did, I've met them at family weekend" Eleanor said, standing up.

"No, she lied, they were her god parents" I said, tossing the letter at her face, "Its all in the letter" I whispered. I left the room and began to pack. I am getting my girl back.

"Where are you going?" Liam asked me as I told the bus driver to turn back. I didn't answer him.

"You can't be serious" Eleanor screeched.

"Just because Louis wouldn't turn back for you doesn't mean I wouldn't for her" I shrugged. I picked my suitcase up and the bus came to a halt "I'll be in Seattle"

"No you wont" Liam said grabbing my arm. I tugged my arm out of his grip and picked up my suitcase again.

"Good bye" I said, looking back at the crowd.


OOOOH cute Zayn going back to get Makay. And sad letter right? Well, I thought so. Like it? Love it? Hate it?


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