Chapter Eleven

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It was halfway through the night, I was feeling pretty good and judging by the sleepy eyed smile Alex was giving me so was he. We were still sitting by the pool talking- like we were the only ones at the party. 

"What the fuck?!" Marsy's shrill voice yelled from behind us. I staggered to my feet facing her. "You fucking dumped me for this piece of fucking shit girl!" 

"Excuse me!" I found myself yelling. 

"You heard me you second string unwanted bitch." Second string I could handle I'd been called worse but unwanted was something I had always been called- something that hit home. 

I chuckled a little bit before I swung on her, but someone was faster. They took the shot to the jaw for her and I busted my knuckles on their teeth. 

Alyssa came hurrying outside at the sound of the fight, Alex wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me back. Alyssa stood between us arms up as Marsy tried to push forward. 

"Get her out of here!" Alyssa yelled looking at Alex. 

"I'm going to fucking kill her!" I screamed trying to get away but Alex had his arms tight around me keeping me from moving. 

"Alexander!" Alyssa screamed. 

He pulled hard and spun me around pushing me ahead of him. He brought me out of the backyard and around the front of the house. I screamed in frustration and swung on a tree busting up my knuckles even further. 

"You got some fight in ya," Alex gasped looking at me. I shook out my hand but the anger never left me. I was in trouble when my mom found out, i was in trouble if this got out, I was just in trouble in general. 

"You know nothing about me," i almost screamed. "Not a damn thing." 

"I know you've been Captain of the soccer team for two years in a row, I know you were adopted and I know that you do not trust yourself or what you can-" 

"Stop," I called before he could continue. "I don't need to hear your thoughts on me or what you think you know about me! Goodnight Alexander." I set my jaw and started walking away from him. 

"What are you doing?" Alex called after me. 

"Walking," i hissed. 

"Are you fucking serious?! You can't walk on that knee and it's two in the morning!" 

"Good thing I've some fight in me right?!" He sighed in exasperation but I didn't hear him follow me anymore.

It was two in the morning, my phone was dead, my feet were killing me,  and I was freezing but I was not getting in that car with Alex and I was not standing around waiting for Alyssa. Walking was the best option and I did not care. 


I couldn't sleep when I got home- too high strung. I took a long hot shower and texted Alyssa that I made it home safely. I tried to clean my hand and wrapped it up but it was already bruised and swelling. 

'U walked all the way home?????' Alyssa texted me an hour later. 

'Yes,' was all I replied. 

'Are you insane?!?!?!?!' 


'Can I get more than a word answer please?!' 

'No.' I knew I was pissing her off, I knew she was going to flip on me but I didn't care right now. I tossed my phone onto the bed and walked into the kitchen. 

"You reek of whiskey," a voice said behind me as I made myself a bowl of cereal. I looked up and saw my mom staggering into the kitchen. I quickly hid my hand under the counter and ate with my other. 

"That's not a good sign," my mom said as she poured herself a cup of coffee. It was seven in the morning now the house would be waking up soon. 

"It's nothing," I mumbled eating my cereal. 

"Ari." She had practically sung my name and I looked up at her. "What'd you do?" 

"Nothing." I put the bowl in the sink. "I'm going to bed, if Aly comes by-" I shrugged, "tell her I'll see her Monday." 

"That's definitely not a good sign. Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it?" 

"Definitely not." I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and went back to my room. I wasn't going to go to sleep, I'd be up all night tomorrow if I was. 

I put something on Netflix for a while to kill time- made it till about one in the afternoon before passing out. 

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