Part Two

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The first time he met Gabriella Annalise Smith, he had to pause for a moment to catch his breath, because she was so beautiful. He didn't even realize she was talking until he heard Clementine replying to a question that Gabby had just asked. "Earth to Felix!" Clementine, also known to her friends as Lemon, continued turning to him

"Gabby just asked if we wanted to work together for the project".


was his intelligent reply and with that he zoned out again and just watched the two girls continue conversing.

Clementine, with her wispy graceful frame, and (currently lavender )wings that were a canvas of continuously changing colors that reminded him of a moth - unpredictable yet fluid and beautiful. That was perfectly complimented by Gabby's tall muscular build and broad naturally cornflower blue wings that reminded him of a jelly fish: with colors that practically oozed through them, quietly. A slowly billowing swirl of colors that reminded him of the night sky.

He only zones in when he's asked a question and just watches as the girls get to know each other: he watches how for the first time in all of the months he's known her Lemon's wings have settled into a more tranquil, relaxed state, the edges tinged with magenta while lilac stripes spiral in and out of intensity. The occasional golden streak seemingly soars through them looking like a shooting star blazing across a cherry blossom pink sky. In turn, if it was possible, Gabbie's wings seemed even more relaxed than ever with colors flowing across them like molasses.

"Felix. Hey Felix" Lemon says waving her hand in front of his face.

"We're going to the cafe after school to start the project, I'll meet you thereafter your last class. Which is...." she trailed off as she took his notebook out of his hand checked his schedule "AP Calculus". "So I will meet you at the cafe at 3:30. Will you repeat that back to me" she continued looking him in the eyes.

"Mmmmmmmmhmmmmmm" he replied.

"Felix! Focus! Tell me what I just told you!"

"Cafe, after Calculus"

"Okay good, what time?"


"Marvelous, see you then" she finished before pointing Felix in the right direction and with a start he started moving in that direction until he reached his class room. Lemon had wonderfully precise pointing powers, he marveled, as he entered the mahogany door frame that lead into his calculus classroom. She really was truly spectacular.

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