Part 3

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Later he approached the cafe a precisely 3:30 and opened the umber door to reveal a book filled cafe filled with coffee drinking students and the occasional jogger or businessman. He quickly spotted Gabby and Lemon at a table in the open air section in the upper right corner. He marveled at the architecture of the building (even though he had been there many times before) as he flew up to the table where Lemon and Gabbie sat on the same side of the booth close together so that there sides overlapped, carefully sipping hot drinks whose steam created billowing dragons in the autumn air.

As he approached a leaf floated down from above to land on the edge of Lemons mug. He slid into the bench opposite the girls so that he was in front of a steaming mug that smelled of chocolate and cinnamon. "Is That possibly a Mexican hot chocolate!" he exclaimed excitedly.

"Yup" replied Lemon "I had them make it just for you".

"Yes! you remembered my obsession with Mexico!" Felix announced happily.

"Only the best for you" Lemon said sending him a sweet smile before snuggling further into Gabbie's side. " So Felix, Lemon told me that you're into birds and I was wondering if you could tell me what classifies a raptor" Gabbie remarked "More specificallyI was wondering... Do curved beaks define a raptor, because Ms. I'm-so-sure-of-myself thinks it's the only trait and I think a true raptor has sharp talons". "Well" Felix replied, "technically you're both wrong and right he said. Eliciting a screech from Lemon and an indignant exclamation from Gabie that led into a completely inconsequential discussion about birds of prey and Winnie the pooh.

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