That Awkward Moment When... #1

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That Awkward Moment When...

You're not sure if you actually have free time or you're just forgetting everything...

Your sarcasm is SO advanced, people actually think you're stupid...

You ever at someone then realize they weren't waving at you...

You laugh so hard, that you can't laugh anymore, and you just end up sitting, clapping, and looking like a retarded seal... o.O

The only thing you know on your test is your name and MAYBE the date...

Someone compliments me and I don't know what to say.
Them: You look pretty today.
Me: Happy birthday!

You've already said 'what?' three times and you still have no idea what the person said, so you just nod and laugh...

Everyone is talking about their talents and you're just like: I can breath...

You fall at being mad at somebody because they can make you laugh...

You're the first one at the lunch table and you look like a total loner...


Yep so... There's that... Idk...Tell me what you think in the comments...Cuz I don't know if I should continue it...So yea...I'M AN AWKWARD TURTLE! Good bye!

Luv ya! Xxx

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