| Three |

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Guys! Remember to go back and reread the other chapters, I redid somethings. So it might be a little different.

Thank you!


The smell of something delicious hit your nose in such a rush that you thought for a second that you were back with your mother. Back in the house you both lived in with your little sister.

Then the harsh reality set in and caused your ears to drop a little. Your E/C eyes slowly started to show as your tried eyelids peeled open to your will.

Around you was a small space in general, a small mattress was settled in the corner. A decent sized desk was on the other side, on it was notebooks, pencils, pens, and a lamp. There were some other things in the room but you didn't bother to observe them, as it wasn't important to you as of the moment.

You slowly moved your head to see where you were, it seemed you were relatively close to the others bed. But not too close. You seemed to be on a small sized pillow of a sort. It fit your body perfectly. How long have you been out for the blond to get this?

The smell hit you once again, your head instantly snapped towards the door. You guessed the kitchen was behind the door, as well as the living room. You stood up on shaky legs and padded towards the door, making sure to watch your step and not to overwork yourself. Your mother had taught you to never overwork yourself after being sick. ("Y/N! Don't you dare move an inch from that bed! I'll bring you breakfast, you can never overwork yourself after being horribly sick like that!")

You stood right in front of the door and looked up, the handle was pretty far up from where you were. You could just grow a bit in size quick and turn it with your mouth... But you knew it was too soon to start using your magic just yet. Your magic level went down a lot when you got sick, using it now would most likely make you feel worse and also worsen your condition.

Growling slightly in frustration you brought a heavy paw up to the door and scratched on it, loud enough of the other on the side of the door to hear you and come open the door for you. E/C eyes closed for a second as a wave of tiredness washed over you like a Tsunami. Yet you stood tall, wanting something to eat.

"Come on yel - Naruto.." You whispered under your breath, eyes darting around the door.

You suddenly felt vibrations under your paws, signing that someone was coming towards the door. You sat down and waited, this boy had taken care of you while you were sick. You could at least say thank you then leave. You didn't want to stay in some unknown place, you still had to go out there and search for Kurama.

The door slowly creaked open and the smell became fuller. Making your small stomach growl.

"Oh my, what do we have here?" You stopped your thoughts and looked up, a silver haired man stood above you. Smiling from under that mask, eyes closed.

You silently screamed in your head - that smile was creepy - and made a run towards the gap in the door. The mans leg came and blocked any way of getting out.

He looked down at you, eyes flashing. "Who are you?"


Um, whoops. Look, I'm really sorry guys. Really. I don't have an excuse for not updating but I can update you some things in my life, our missing cat came back! Bob is finally home after days of him being gone, but sadly he got ear mites and his eye got badly scratched. But we are just glad he's alive and breathing!

We also decided to take out our carpets downstairs by ourselves soooo... Yeah it sucked. But hey, good thing we live in the country. Me and my Step sister hauled a chair out to the bonfire and a few minutes later I looked out the window and it was on fire... haha it started on fire by itself somehow.

School starts next week and I'm not that excited to be completely honest. Don't get me wrong, I like learning. Just some confusing things have been happening and I'm mostly worried about lunch haha.

Any recent news about your lives? Good or bad? Hopefully good!

Thanks for reading!

- Keopize <3

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