Chapter 1

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Latvia would not stop shaking and who could blame him. Russia had not left him alone for several days. Latvia tried to clean the large house but everywhere he went Russia was there. Sometimes Russia would just watch Latvia clean while other times Russia would hug Latvia and not let go.

Latvia thought he was finally alone in the room he shared with Estonia and Lithuania. He was able to calm his shaking a small bit when Russia startled him. "Hello, little Latvia. What are you doing in here? It is still early in the evening." "I-I was t-taking a break Mr. R-Russia." Latvia stuttered his shaking coming back. "Why are you shaking little Latvia? Are you scared of me? Please do not be scared I will not harm you." "Sorry, Mr. Russia I will get back to work now."

Latvia tried to get off the bed but Russia held his shoulder down. "Are you okay Latvia? You seem a bit flustered. Maybe you should take the rest of the day off." "No no I am fine I must finish my work." Latvia struggled under Russia's grasp frightened to what the larger nation was going to do. "Latvia please stop fighting me I will not harm you." "I am sorry Mr. R-Russia but I m-must get back to work now." "No." "E-excuse me Mr. Russia." "I said no Latvia you will take the rest of the day off." "B-but I am fine Mr. Russia please I don't want the others to do my chores when I can do them myself." "I will finish your chores Latvia." Latvia was shocked Russia was never this nice to any of the countries forced to live with him. Latvia opened his mouth to protest but Russia was already out of the room. When Estonia and Lithuania noticed Russia doing the work assigned to Latvia they got worried.

They rushed into their room to make sure Latvia was okay. "Latvia what happened are you okay?" They both yelled. "Yes I am fine and I have no idea what happened. Russia has been watching me today and has hugged me multiple times." Estonia and Lithuania shared a look of suspicion as Latvia continued. " I took a break to calm down when he appeared again. He seemed very concerned and told me to take the rest of the day off. I tried to refuse saying I was perfectly fine but he refused. He then said he would finish my work and left before I could say anything else." Estonia and Lithuania stared at Latvia in shock until Russia's voice startled them out of their thoughts. "Estonia, Lithuania is everything okay? Why are you not working?." Russia asked as he tilted his head. "We were checking on Latvia since he was not doing his work." Estonia said to scared to turn around to face Russia. "I told him to rest since he looked flustered."

Russia said glad everything was okay with the smaller nation. Russia glanced behind Estonia and saw Latvia shaking again. He rushed to the bed and gathered the small nation in a hug. "Little Latvia why are you shaking again? Are you sure you are okay?" The Baltics were too shocked to speak all scared that one word would cause Russia to break the nation in his arms. Russia was uncomfortable with the shocked silence so he gathered Latvia in his arms and took him out of the room. Latvia tried to get away but Russia held him tighter. "I will not hurt you Latvia trust me." Russia said as he exited the room traveling down the hall to his room.

The other Baltics tried to protest but soon realized they could not stop whatever was about to happen. They feared for the small nation as they saw him disappear into Russia's room. They soon went back to work not wanting to be punished for not completing their work. They stayed as quiet as possible so they could hear any sound coming from the room.

Russia had sat Latvia on the bed and sat beside him. Latvia tried to get as far away from Russia as he could but when he would move away Russia would move closer. Soon the small nation was fighting back tears of fright not knowing what Russia planned to do. Russia gathered Latvia in his arms again trying to calm the nation who was close to tears. "Latvia I will not harm you please calm down." Russia said as he tried to comfort the nation.

Latvia tired from the long day was starting to get comfortable leaning against Russia's warm chest. He began to fight sleep but failed as he soon dozed off. Russia shocked by this action smiled as he looked down at Latvia. The large nation moved so he was laying down with Latvia on his chest. He too fell asleep.

Latvia woke up and tried to gather his surroundings. He looked down to see he was on top of Russia. He shrieked and tried to shuffle himself away from the large nation. Russia woke up after hearing the shriek and saw Latvia struggling to get away from him. He frowned as he removed his arm from Latvia's waist. Latvia almost fell off the bed as he tried to get away from Russia. Latvia saw Russia's frown and paused to wonder why the nation was sad. He felt a small prick in his heart when he realized he was the reason for Russia's sadness.

Latvia sat on the edge of the bed trying to think of a way to make Russia happy again. He did not know why he cared about how the large nation felt. He pushed the thought away saying he just thought if Russia was happy he would not be in danger. But Latvia knew Russia had no intent on harming him. Latvia inched back towards Russia and nuzzled into his chest. Russia greeted this action with a smile on his face and pulled the Latvia closer to him. They were both happy the warmth was back. Soon they both dozed off again happy to be near each other.

Estonia and Lithuania were very worried when they had not seen either nation at breakfast. It was almost lunch so they decided to check if Latvia was okay. They peered into Russia's room and saw him curled around Latvia fast asleep. They had no idea how to react. Latvia looked okay but he would never be that close to Russia voluntarily. Would he? No, he was scared of Russia so why would he be close to him. The other Baltics rushed to the bed to make sure Latvia was still breathing. Russia and Latvia woke up as Estonia was trying to slip Latvia out of Russia's arms. "What are you doing Estonia?" Latvia asked groggy from just waking up. "I am trying to get you away from Russia Latvia." Estonia said wishing he hadn't once he noticed Russia was awake. "Why would you do that?" Russia asked sitting up on the bed still holding Latvia. "I wanted to make sure he was safe." Estonia said trying not to tremble. "I am fine Estonia, Russia would not hurt me." Latvia said a small smile on his lips. Russia hugged Latvia tighter nuzzling his nose into Latvia's hair. Estonia and Lithuania were shocked at this act and even more shocked when they heard Latvia's small giggle.

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