Chapter 2

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Through the rest of the day, Estonia and Lithuania gave Latvia looks of concern. After their work was finished and they were preparing for bed Estonia decided to ask Latvia what had happened. "Latvia why were you happy to be near Russia?" "I don't know I just felt like I belonged near him for some reason." "He must be planning something. He is never this nice to anyone. Be careful around him Latvia." "Don't worry Estonia he would not harm me." "I never thought he would harm me at first but I have the scars on my back to prove he would. Latvia remember, he almost killed me that day. All I did was drop one plate and he went into a rage." Lituania said shaking at the memory that flashed before his eyes. Latvia was about to protest but knew it was no use. The Baltics finished getting ready for sleep. Before Latvia went to sleep he wished he was with Russia. Shocked at this thought he pushed it away and went to sleep.

The next morning the Baltics started their work as they always do. Estonia and Lithuania kept a close eye on Latvia all through the day. Russia noticed this and stayed away from Latvia until he had to clean the library. Knowing the other Baltics could not see what happened from where they were Russia followed Latvia into the large room. Latvia could sense the presence of Russia and began to shake. Russia stepped closer to Latvia when he noticed the small nation had begun to shake. Latvia stopped shaking knowing Russia would not harm him. This caused Russia to smile. Latvia turned around and smiled back at Russia. Latvia went back to cleaning but stopped once again when Russia began to hug him. "Is everything okay Mr. Russia?" Latvia asked surprised by the nation's sudden affection. "Yes, little Latvia I am fine. You do not mind me holding you do you Latvia?" Russia stepped away from the small nation wanting to make sure he was okay with his affections. Latvia stepped closer to Russia. "I trust you Russia if you want to hold me you can." Russia smiled and held Latvia close to his chest. Latvia laughed a bit as Russia nuzzled into his hair.

After Latvia had finished his work he and the other Baltics were preparing for bed in the room they all shared. When Russia appeared in the doorway they all stopped. "Hello, Mr. Russia what can we help you with?" Lituania said as he tried to stay calm. "Oh, I came to get little Latvia." Russia said this as he smiled like a child. Estonia and Lithuania were drained of color. They were quite worried for the small nation. Latvia, on the other hand, was happy to go with Russia. He hopped off the bed and walked to Russia's side. The other Baltics would have protested but knew it was of no use. Latvia and Russia walked out of the small room and down the hall to Russia's room.

"Why did you want me to come to your room Mr. Russia?" Latvia asked tilting his head a small bit. "It felt wonderful to hold someone who trusted me not to hurt them and I wanted to feel that way again." Russia said as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.  At Russia's smile, Latvia felt his heart flutter.  "O-oh."  Latvia stuttered.  "Latvia are you okay?  You can leave if you are uncomfortable I will not force you to stay."  Russia began to frown and when Latvia saw this he rushed to the large nation.  "I want to stay Mr. Russia I was just shocked!"  Latvia said as he tried to bring that glorious smile back to Russia's face.  "Really Latvia?  Do you mean that?"  "Yes, Mr. Russia"  Latvia felt butterflies as he watched Russia smile at his words.  When Russia saw how happy Latvia was he got a warm fluttery feeling in his chest 'what could this be?' he thought.  'Whatever this feeling is I never want it to end.'

Both nations slept soundly at each other's side both happy to be in the company of the other.  This continued for many nights until the other Baltics decided to voice their opinions against the two of them.

"Latvia can you not see that he is planning something!"  Estonia yelled at Latvia causing him to shake.  "Estonia enough!  We can talk to him without shouting."  "I am going to make sure he understands how wrong this is!  Do you really want him to be in a relationship with that monster! He almost killed you and didn't care!  Are you saying that it's okay for that beast to do the same to Latvia?!?"  "He would never hurt me Estonia!"  The others stop in their tracks as they were both startled by how loud and angry the small nation seemed.  Even Russia who was listening outside the door stopped at Latvia's voice.  "Before I would have thought Russia would kill me at any chance he got.  But after I got to know him, the real him I know he would never think of it.  His leaders have messed up his morals and created a monster that they hope to rule the world with.  But over the past few weeks, he has changed drastically and he is becoming someone that I...that I l-love."  "Love...Latvia please tell me I just misheard you."  "Estonia don't."  Lithuania threatened knowing what Estonia was about to say.  Although Lithuania seemed very docile he could be quite scary and they all knew this.  But sadly Estonia was to far gone from rage to care.  "How can you love that monster!  You don't even know the meaning of the word Latvia!  You are a child!  And it's mine and Lithuania's job to make sure you don't make stupid mistakes like you are trying to!"  Estonia was basically screaming now but no one seemed to care.  "I know this feeling is not like anything I have ever felt before so it must be love!  What else can I say this is!  And I am a nation with my own will!  You are not my parent and you can never tell me what to do!  I refuse to stand here and listen to what you say!  You treat him like he is a monster because of one thing he did!  Can you say you haven't killed someone!  Can you look at me and say you have never killed an innocent person!  And don't you dare justify it as war because all war is is a way to kill as many people as possible and be labeled a hero for it!"  Latvia had begun to cry which caused the other Baltics to stop shouting and finally their rage subsided.  "Latvia me and Estonia are just worried for you.  We have all killed people sadly, because of our history we have done unthinkable things we all regret."  Lithuania tried to comfort the small nation knowing both of them took the argument to far.  This is when Russia stepped into the room.  Estonia was basically growling, his fear turning into rage.

"Latvia you can't love me.  I am, as they say, a monster, a beast.  They are right it would be better if you stayed away from me.  I don't trust myself around you.  I would never purposefully hurt you but like you said my morals make no sense.  I could snap and not realize it.  Please, Latvia for your own sake leave.  All of you please leave.  I could not forgive myself if I hurt anyone.  Especially my friends."

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