Chapter 3

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The Baltics began to leave one by one.  Russia was sad as each left but knew it was for the best.  Latvia stayed the longest even though he had his independence he tried to be there for Russia but soon his leader forced him to stay at his house and stop visiting Russia.

"Only now that I am alone I realize what I have done.  The only person that has ever loved me and tried to stay with me I pushed away.  Were the feelings he had the same as I felt?  Could this cold feeling be heartbreak?  Was the warm feeling I felt love?"  Questions like this continued to bother Russia until he finally realized he loved Latvia.  "How can I get him back?  Would he even come back?  Oh, who am I kidding he has probably moved on by now.  I have messed up greatly."  Russia then got the idea that he could call Latvia and see if his feelings were still returned.

"Hello, Latvia speaking."  "Hey, Latvia I need to ask you something."  "Oh hello, Russia what is the question?"  "Latvia this will seem quite odd to ask but do you still love me?"  ".......Yes, Russia I still love you.  I never stopped loving you."  Russia did not know what to say he never expected that answer.  "Russia are you okay?"  Latvia was becoming worried at the long pause.  "Latvia after you left I realized I loved you and I never thought that after all this time you would still love me."  "Russia would you like to come over and discuss this in person."  Latvia hoped Russia would say yes so he could see him again.  He had missed the large nation greatly.  "I will be over as soon as possible."

Standing at Latvia's door he was a bit nervous.  Russia took a deep breath and knocked on the wooden door.  Latvia soon opened the door and happily invited Russia into his house.  Latvia guided Russia to the living room and they both sat down on the couch.  "Russia did you mean it when you said you loved me?"  "Da, Latvia...well I think that's what this feeling is.  Whenever I am near you I get a warm fluttery feeling and when you are away I feel sad and empty.  Is that the feeling you say is love?"  "Yes, that sounds like the feelings I have for you."  Both nations had a small blush on their face as they realized that this feeling could really be love.

Russia spent the day cuddling with Latvia.  It seemed that their time together was cut short when Russia had to leave.  "At least we can see each other at the world meeting tomorrow."  "Da, I will see you then Latvia."  With that, Russia walked away from Latvia's house and back to his to begin to prepare for the meeting.

Latvia was the first to arrive at Russia's for the meeting.  Latvia helped get the room ready before the other nations began to arrive.  Both nations shared many looks at each during the meeting.  This was not noticed by many but the ones who did notice were Lithuania and Estonia.  Estonia scowled at this act while Lithuania just ignored it.  Finally, Estonia had grown tired of seeing them look at each other and smile and decided to stop it.

"Latvia why are you glancing at Russia so much?"  Latvia stuttered trying to find a proper answer.  "Why is it any of your concern Estonia.  Latvia is an independent nation and can do as he wishes."  Russia began to give off a scary aura as he saw Latvia become nervous.  "You are right Russia but I am still his friend and want to make sure he is safe."  "Estonia the only reason you are concerned is because he is glancing at me.  If it was any other nation at this table you would not care."  "Can you truly blame me for wanting to keep him away from you."  "So you are still caught up on what happened to Lithuania?"  "Why wouldn't I be you almost killed my friend for no reason."  "Lithuania it has been years since that day how do you feel about it now."  "Russia, Latvia was right the day you declared we could leave, we have all done things we hated and wished never happened.  I can not blame you for that day.  I have grown past it.  And in your defense, your government was quite messed up at the time."  "Estonia if Lithuania is over it why are you hung up on it?"  Russia was now getting impatient at how Estonia was acting.  "How can I get over everything you have done?!?  You have tried to kill so many nations.  I am supposed to look past that and just ignore the fact you are screwing Latvia?!?"

The other nations finally stopped their arguments at Estonia's words.  "Estonia!  How could you make such a claim?!"  "Are you really going to deny it Latvia."  "I have done nothing like that with Russia."  "Sure."  "Estonia you are crossing dangerous grounds.  Do not make accusations you know nothing about!"  Russia was now grinding his teeth trying to hold his anger.  "Hang on dude, are you saying Russia is in a relationship with Latvia?  That's just messed up."  "Of course now the "hero" must intervene and try to save everyone from the horrible communist nation.  Before I loose my temper I ask all of you to leave."  The countries looked at each other and all of them decided it would be better to leave than to stay and face Russia's wrath.

The room cleared quickly leaving the Baltics and Russia.  "Estonia let's leave we have no business here."  Lithuania was trying to get Estonia to leave before another fight broke out.  "I'll leave when Russia stays away from Latvia."  "Estonia please just leave this alone."  Lithuania knew what was about to happen and was trying desperately to stop it.  "What are you playing at Russia because there is no way you could love someone.  That requires a heart and it's obvious you don't have one."  "Estonia please just leave.  You aren't going to solve anything this way." Russia turned to the small nation beside him.  "What needs to be solved Latvia."  "There is nothing to be solved the way I see it.  But in his mind, there is a problem."  "That is it I'm sick and tired of this and I know you two are as well.  Estonia I am going to solve this now.  Latvia do you know what love is?"  "Yes, it is the feeling I have for Russia."  "Russia do you know what love is?"  "It is the feeling I have for Latvia."  "Okay, I am saying this now.  Russia if you harm Latvia in any way I will wage a war that will not end until you are dead.  I will make sure that your nation will never exist again.  Understood?"  "Yes understood."  "Good now Estonia we are leaving I will hear no objections unless you want me to get mad."  "Okay, Lithuania."  Estonia walked away with Lithuania, still upset that Russia and Latvia were together.

But walking away and dealing with their relationship was better than seeing Lithuania mad.  At least they didn't show their relationship in public or at meetings.

Latvia was happy Estonia finally let him and Russia be.  Russia was happy that he could be in a relationship with the person he loved.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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