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I was there. In a place full of red mountains. My skin was red in colour. I was commanding an army against some grasshopper looking humans. Yes. What I'm saying was true. I was a warrior. Later i was in some familiar place. Yelling to a boy for some help. The boy was looking too familiar. The boy left and I ran towards a sinking ship. I saved everyone from that ship. At last after saving a small boy, I was like, famished. The I started drowning. Then I saw two faces. One red dude and a young man. The red dude spoke first to me. "You shall defeat your enemies, Prometheus. You shall have my great strength." The red dude said. "Don't hear him a lot. He is pretty annoying." The young man said. "Don't lose hope. Protect mankind as a shadow. Remember, at times we will be there to rescue you."saying this both of them vanished. Then I woke up in a house. I look around the house. The bed wasn't too comfy. I was having some pain in my back. I got up from my bed. I wasn't wearing a shirt. Then I saw a thing with a pale white guy with quite few green tints across some few parts. It was my own reflection. Then I noticed few weird black marks across me. It destroyed my body. I could've became a handsome guy without these scars. "Sorry for interrupting you Mister-" a voice spoke behind me. I look behind. It was an old man. He was speaking to me. My brain was saying something to me. "Prometheus." I heard that name when I was dead. You see, the dead can't feel. But it can hear things which you guys can't. "Prometheus? That's such an old name. How did you get those scars?" The guy asked. I don't know what to say. But I have to reply right? I was mumbling something, but that old man interrupted. "It's all right. Scars have their own stories. But your name? That's weird,Prometheus. And by the way, I'm Dragoski. Vladimir Dragoski." He said. "Where am I?" I asked him. I am getting dozy and confused. "Oh, sir. You're in Moscow. Russia." Oh, I'm in Russia. Wait. Did he said Russia? He speak perfect English. Might know English or something. "Well thanks for your mercy Mr. Dragoski. Your English was quite good." I said. "English? I never uttered a single word in English. You and I speak in Russian." He said. Wait. If this guy spoke in Russian, I heard those in English. And what he heard was Russian from me. Not English. Where am I? In a wonderland or something? "I need to go." I said to Dragoski. "Well sir, from the outside it is snowing. And it's almost dark. You look so tired. I say you must take some rest right now." He said. Then later I drifted back to the bed. As soon as I closed my eyes my mind drifted me in a sleep.
My dream was like I was entering an hotel. It was real. I felt that it was real. I was sitting on a seat. Then all the people over there shimmers. The one with a humanish nature which I met in my early dream came beside me.
"Mind if I sit here?" The dude asked.
I was like, whether to say yes or no. "Whatever." Saying this he sat opposite to me. "Who are you?" I asked him. "I'm Henry Frankenstein." He said. So he was Henry. "What is the relation between us?" I asked. "Nothing." He said. "Then why are you coming into my dreams?" I asked Henry. "Because you have my heart." He said. "We share my memories. And also the other bloke's memory too. But his memory isn't what you need. It's mine." Henry said. "I didn't get you. I need you memories?" I asked him. "Come with me. I will show you one of my memories." Saying this he hold my hand and poof, we we're in that VooDoos house. "Where are we?" I asked him. "One of my old memories. A prophecy of you." He said. I can't bear it. "Stop." I said. "What? You don't have to watch this ritual?" He asked. "No. It's intoxicating." I said. Then he left his arm from me. Soon we were back on the same hotel. "I think, you should not be there in that voodoo's presence." He said. "Why?" I asked him. "You might be dead. One reason will be that. And the other might be, the time hasn't approached for you to hear those good words." Henry said. "The earth would be in danger, Prometheus. There would be a time where no one could stop this mythical force." He said. He was vanishing a bit. "The time has come. You shall stop this feud between two clans. And lead Victor to the right path." After saying this he vanishes and I awakens. Dragoski was there besides me. "You were making noises Prometheus. Mind if I make you a tea?" He asked. I nodded. After giving me a good hot tea, he turned towards me. "When will you leave Prometheus?" He asked. "I don't know. But I will leave soon." I said. "Do you have a family Prometheus?" He started asking questions like Alfred Pennyworth of The Dark Knight series. "I don't know. I can't remember." I said. "I'm leaving Mr. Dragoski." I said. "You can't leave." He said. I suddenly looked his eyes. It was blue but later it turned in to black. "You can't go away, the risen one." He said that. "I'm going." I said and started walking to the door. Suddenly the old man ran like the flash. Or Savitar. "You can't go the unholy one. You shall be destroyed or served by the ferocious one." He said. "Enough." At that time I sounded like Samuel L Jackson. And I beat that man. Well it might be my super strength. The man flew away. The house got a little-small-human-can-enter-hole. I ran. It was extremely cold in Moscow. So I ran towards the woods. There I saw them.  "There he is." That same old man from the lab. He was holding more arrows now. He started shooting at me. But I felt no pain. Blood was splattering in those white snow. I ran towards him. "I need to know why old men with super speed chasing me." I said. "You talk?" He asked me. "Yes, I could talk you old git." I said. "You said old men faster than young men. Is their eyes are black?" He asked me.  "Yes of course. Their eyes are bloody black." I said. "He is searching for you. You should run. I'm sparing your life. Don't come to Victor's life." He said. "I need to see that man. I need to talk to him." I said. Something moved in the woods. "They are here. Forgot to bring the wolfsbane." He said. "Wolfsbane? It might be some small wolf." I said.
"Wolf indeed. But a scent of human is there in its scent."
"Maybe it ate a human flesh or something."
"Will you shut up you unholy mutt." The old man said.
"Ok. One, I'm not unholy. Two, don't call me mutt. Maybe your smell is getting old, old man." I said.
Then something moved. I was right.  It was indeed a wolf. But more bigger than a normal size of a wolf. Suddenly it shifted its size. It turned into a human. "As I told you before Prometheus. You have to work for the ferocious one." The guy was young but sounded like that old man. Dragoski. "Dragoski. Take this." The old man said. He shot an arrow at him. "Wait, is that dragoski?" I asked. "Yes. And you met him before?" He asked.
"Well yes, old man. But he looked old there."
"Cause werewolf can change into any age if they want." He said. Wait. Did the old man said werewolf? Of course he said. "Hey old man" I called him. "The name is Van Helsing, by the way." He said. "Ok. Helsing, look is there any place I could be safe or something?" I asked. "No. You have to run. If something happened to me, blame will be in your head. So if you find any of my legacy please give him this book." He handed over me a book. "And one thing. Don't open it. If you tried your hands is going to burn." Nog the point who saved me from a beast. "So go. Let me handle with him." Oh. Sorry for saying nothing about our old friend Dragoski. He was unconscious. Maybe it might be the wolfsbane. Wait. He said he hasn't any wolfsbane. But how did he managed to knock out him. Maybe he is a man of secrets. (Play James Bond's title back ground music) Well were was I? Of course running.  And I reached to that old fort where I was born. There I saw a young man. That same young man. Victor Frankenstein. "Don't move." He said. Holding a gun. "Ok. Shoot me." He shoot me. At my leg. Yeah. That was painful. "What did you done with Abe?" He asked. "Well he is battling with a werewolf." I said. "No. You're lying." That guy is nuts. "Look. If you shoot me again, I'm going to be a nightmare to you." I said. He shoot at my lungs. "I shouldn't have created you." He said. "Hey! You're my creator? I will kill you soon. You destroyed my life. And I have to run forever." I said. He left. But I tracked his smell. And I was collapsing. I looked at my chest. It was healing. All of them called me unholy. But that liquid which people call the holy water healed me. I took some time. I got up. I already tracked his scent. All I did was follow that smell. Which I shouldn't have to........

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