Chapter 5 - My Brother, My... Boyfriend?

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Again... watch out for grammar errors... :\ I'll get to them at some point... I just don't have time right now. Happy reading! :D

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Micah’s POV

Josh is a pitiful guy. I guess you can say that I’m naturally a caring person. I can judge a person just by looking at them, and, based on what I see, I decide whether they deserve to be protected. I see an innocent boy in Josh. He’s in a very fragile state right now, I would assume, so I would do anything just to make him feel better. I don’t think he deserved to go through what Trent’s done to him. That guy’s such a bastard.

I have no problem with gay people. I love them, as a matter of fact, but not in that way. I’m as straight as a pole but I don’t judge people based on their sexual preference… unlike some people. But I do have some curiosity. Wait, does that even make sense?

“Hey, Micah!” Brandon yelled out as he came running towards me.

“Yes?” I replied with a cocked eye brow.

“Who was that kid you were talking to earlier?”

“Which kid?”

“The one that looked depressed. I saw you guys going around the lazy river earlier.”

“Oh, Josh? Yeah, he’s going through a tough time.”

“Really? What happened?”

“That’s really not my place to answer. Hey, Brandon, I’ll se you later, ‘kay? I gotta go.”

It was already 8PM and it’s time for me to clock out. I’d love to stay and chat with Brandon, my best friend, but I got a date tonight. With whom, you ask? Just my girlfriend, Alice. She’s the best girl I’ve ever met. She’s pretty, smart, innocent, and she makes me smile.

We spend most of our time together, except she always has to visit her family for a couple  of months every year. Her family lives in Los Angeles and she visits them from November to December. She just got back recently and we were about to go on our first date since she arrived.

I arrived at her place and honked my horn to let her know I’m waiting outside. It took her a few minutes before she come out of the front door slowly walking towards the car.

“You ready to go?” I asked her.

“Yeah. Where are we going?”

“You’ll see when we get there.”

You see, in Hawaii, it’s not romantic to go to a Hawaiian restaurant. In fact, here, we just call them restaurants. But I did have a plan though. I’ll be taking her out to the fanciest restaurant in Hawaii. I’ve never been able to take her anywhere nice before, so I hope she appreciates my efforts.

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