Chapter 11 - Something's Up

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Beware of grammatical errors! :3

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Josh’s POV

I watched as Micah stood up, walking to the front door of the coffee shop. Who wouldn’t be furious knowing that you’re own brother sexually harassed someone? It doesn’t matter who it was, just the act was disgusting. To be honest, I’m kind of disgusted with myself knowing that I wasn’t able to protect my own self against that. I would have been completely shattered if Brandon wasn’t there in time to save me.

On that note, Micah left Brandon and me alone. He remained seated across from me. The dim light of the coffee shop definitely enhanced his features. The way the light reflected off of his skin shows off how toned his muscles are; it shows off how flawless his skin is. It makes me want to just get closer to him and taste it. I shouldn’t though. Not when I’m conflicted between Brandon and Micah.

It’s only been less than a week. I have no idea how it came to this. How is that that is less than a week, I was able to start falling for two guys? How is it that even though I knew I’m not here to stay permanently that I was able to let myself get attached to these two people. It’s not like we’ve done many things together. No. We’ve only ever talked and hung out with each other a couple of time. But why do I feel like I’ve known them for so long?

I have to think about my upcoming date now. How am I going to deal with this? How does going on a date with two people go? Wouldn’t it be awkward? I guess i can’t really answer that question unless I actually go on the date; I’m scared though. I don’t know what I’m scared of, but the fear is there.

I also have to think about my choices; my choices regarding who to pick between them. I might be biased towards Brandon, but each of them have their own pros and cons. They both share the hot physical appearance gene, but their personalities are different from each other. They’re not exactly the same, but they’re not too different either.

“So what happens now?” Brandon asks. 

“I don’t know…” I shrugged. I stared into his eyes, drowning in its deep brown color.

“What about that date? Have you thought about what to do?”

“I guess a date at the mall would be fine? There’s nothing much to do around here.”

“Are you kidding me? There’s plenty to do in Hawaii! What about surfing?”

“Aha, no. I can deal with water, but I don’t do well in deep water.”

“C’mon, you can use me as a floatation device,” he winked at me. I blushed a deep red and turned my gaze away.

“Is that your excuse for skinship?”

“Damn, I’ve been caught!” he smirked.

Ugh. He should really stop that. Doesn’t he know how cute he looks right now? With Brandon, I feel more free and I feel more like myself. With Micah… I don’t know. He’s a really good friend, but I don’t think I’m attracted to him like that. I don’t want to just turn him away without giving him a chance though. It wouldn’t be fair.

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