The Human Condition by ellarose12

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Title : The Human Condition

Author : ellarose12

Status : Completed

Description :

They say it's the one thing that will save us, that our humanity is the one thing that separates us from them. But I'm not so sure anymore.

In 1999, the vampires stopped hidung amongst us. Our fascination with the supernatural was growing and they were welcomed into a world that had only ever feared them based on ancient fables, Hollywood horror movies and best selling novels.

It wasn't the millenium bug we gad expected, but life did change as the click ticked over into a new year and it was never the same again.


Lucy Dames knew better then to go in the dark. Vampires were no longer a creature of fantasy, accepted as a part of everyday life - they were just as alive as the next person. With a new racial division in society she was torn as to which side to stand on, knowing humans were just as cruel as vampires could be human.

None of it could prepare her for the issue of the vampire mark she has on her wrist and three years later it's time to find out just what it wants with Lucy and more importantly will she come out of it alive?

Rating :



A/N : This is the best vampire story I've ever read! Give it a try! 😊✌

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