Chapter 4- Cute

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All eyes went to Jimin and Jin, who were giving you a curious look. Jimin seemed especially fidgety. It was embarrassing. Jin just took a deep breath and gave you a smile. He was the most forgiving one out of the pair, ignoring the fact that you enchanted him beyond anything.

"Jin and Jimin, right?"

"Yah, how does she know you?" Taehyung looked at them from his place next to Yoongi.

Taehyung was almost a little jealous of the fact that you already knew about these boys -- it just made things easier for them. You would get close to them first, and not even talk to the others; to him.

"They wanted to take a picture of my friend and I in LA," You hesitantly explained as you looked at them.

Jimin narrowed his eyes at you, and you gave him a sheepish smile. You had to apologise, otherwise your chance of friendship would already be ruined. Jin didn't seem to have a problem; Jimin on the other hand, really held a grudge.

"She was very rude to us-" Jimin started, but was cut off.

"I was very tired, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude," You interrupted as you stepped forward.

Jimin seemed to calm down slightly, and Jin nodded. He seemed like the most mature one, other than Namjoon and Yoongi. For Jimin, your tiny apology didn't change the fact that you came out as rude. Sure, you were phisically pretty, but he knew your real side. He wasn't taking any chances with that.

"It's okay, we forgive you," He looked at you, then looked at Jimin with a glare.

You smiled, then let out a sigh of relief. Jungkook was watching you with utter curiosity, his eyes trailing over your (S/C) skin, peeking through each gap in your ripped jeans. He thought you were quite attractive. The funny thing was that, V thought the same. Both of them had reverted to their shy behaviour -- the maknae being the most shy.

"Anyway, we are going to return to dance practice. Why don't you come with us, (Y/N)-ie?

Hoseok had already latched his arm onto your petite one, and is pulling you to the room where they practice their dance. You gasped and walked along with him, struggling to keep up with his speed. J-Hope enjoyed your presence, and he wanted to know more about you. One could say he was interested in you. Your eyes looked back at the boys behind them, almost begging for help -- he was going to fast. They just smirked at you, not even bothering to pull you away. You pouted, and then looked at Hoseok.


"Ready, set-"


The sudden burst of sound after that made your eyes widen. It was catchy, your heart was racing and you were getting goosebumps due to their dancing. So co-ordinated, so in sync. As you leaned against the wall, your foot tapped against the whitewashed floor. They aren't too bad and actually look great while dancing. Never had you been so excited about music. Whoever wrote this is very talented.

As your eyes scanned over the dancing boys, they met with Yoongi's. He wanted to know if you were impressed. If you liked the music he wrote and composed. The smile on your face was enough for him to realise that he did his job right and he went back looking at the camera with a proud smile. Once they finished the dance, the group looked over at the person they needed to take care of, who just gave them a thumbs up.

"Good job boys. That's a wrap for that practice."

An echo of 'thank you' and 'yes' was heard throughout the room. Hoseok and Namjoon immediately headed to you, the blond giving you a big grin. They couldn't wait to be under your attention, almost like puppies. They wanted to know how you found everything; if you liked what they did. Your opinions on them individually. Once they had gotten to you; they gave each other a glance, before concentrating on you.

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