Chapter 14- Resisting

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~Flashback to last night~

"No, no, no- That's Jimin's room."

You tugged Namjoon's shoulders, signaling for him to get out of the way of his bandmate's room. Even though you were tipsy, you remembered the little incident you had with Jimin. Namjoon dragged out a laugh before stumbling away from the door.

"Aish... (Y/N) decide where do you want to go!" He whined as he leaned against the wall while he tried to hold you tight so you would stop slipping off his back.

"Okay, okayyyyyy..." You trailed off, looking around the hall. "Let's go to your work room! I've never been there before."

Rap Monster pushed himself off the wall, and ran straight toward his room. He felt your chin rest on his shoulder, your eyelashes fluttering against his jawline. Once they had gotten there, he put you down near the door and sat on his chair. That had actually made him more tired than he already was-- he would have done a much better job if he were a sober.

"Yah, Rapmon! Don't just leave me at the entrance without switching on the light!" You pouted, the blue from his computer wallpaper reflecting off of your skin.

Rap Monster held out his arms from his seat and smiled. The same blue light was illuminating his face, highlighting his drunk smirk. It was like he was calling you towards him, beckoning you into his warm embrace. You watched him curiously and took one step forward.

"I'll catch you if something happens," He whispered. "I promise."

You kept your eyes on him and took another step forward. Your pace accelerated into a walk, but you felt something catch your ankle, and you ended up falling into his grip. Your knee was resting in between his legs, while his arms were now wrapped around your torso. Your face was buried into the backrest of the seat, and you could feel his breath running down the nape of your neck in a steady stream.

"I told you I would catch you." Alcohol was lingering on his breath, as he pulled you upright to look directly at him.

The blue light was sparkling against your glossy lips, giving them a sheen. His thumb grazed against your cheek as he looked over your angelic features. Even though he was drunk, he could see everything clearly, he forgot that his head was pounding for a second and just concentrated on you. You stayed frozen as he leaned in, unsure of how to react at this point. It felt like your mind was blank.

Just as your lips were about to touch, a large 'clang interrupted your little moment, and Namjoon's eyes closed up as his head fell to the side. He was knocked out by an empty can of beer. Your eyes darted to the open door, only to see a shadow scurrying away from the scene. When you realized what was happening, you pushed yourself off the now unconcious Namjoon and winced.

"He'll be fine..." You mumbled to yourself as you patted his cheek. You weren't feeling that tipsy anymore, giving you a reason to drink again.

~End of flashback~

"Uncle... what time is it..?"

You mumbled as you turned over and felt someone under your hand and leg. The person was warm and they moved to hug you as well. You definitely weren't at home. Usually, your uncle would come and wake you up by now. Rubbing your eyes, your vision adjusted to see Jungkook's sleeping face, and you gasped audibly in complete shock. Moving away from him, you found yourself falling off the bed and onto the floor, worsening your headache.

Oh gosh, you had a headache -- you were completely drunk last night annd you couldn't remember most of what happened.


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