Rudy Martinez

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Rudy Martinez, where to begin, funny, out going, charming that's only what she's been called this past week,she's very much a charmer,all the boys swoon over her,it's been like that since year 9, she's enjoyed it really, being in the lime light, she's not an attention seeker just enjoys the attention when she's got it , she doesn't ask for it sometimes; it just happens.

She lives in Wales,Barry to be exact, she likes it here, since she's lived here most of her life, a few years ago she lives in Llandudno with her dad then her dad got re-married and they moved out here with Dads new Wife.

Her and her dad were really close as they both lost her mother at Rudy's birth,Rudy never met her mother,in fact she was almost put up for adoption but her father changed his mind at the last minuet.

She's not very close to her dads side of the family as they wanted her to be up for adoption, they think she's a disgrace to the family because of what she does, she's a model, she models anything really but mostly underwear; hence why the don't really like her.

She's had so many boyfriends, she lost count a long time ago, she doesn't use them though,it's more like they use her.

They use her for her looks, fame and most of all money;She's rather rich, she payed for her dad to move to Australia, it's been his dream to live their and she only wants him too be happy, it's all she's ever wanted in life, the money was just a bonus, happiness is the key to a great life, her granddad , her moms dad had once told her.

Since that day she's always tried to see the positive side to things, even if there is no positive side, she'll just put on a smile and bare it, whatever life throws at her, but life could never prepare her for whats about to happen in her life, nothing couldv'e.

She can't smile go through the events she'll go through when she meets Oliver Scott Sykes.

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