im married to the music

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These filler chapters are killing me i cant wait for it to get good. (spoiler alert: Rudy takes the job at DROP DEAD)

what will happen to olis and Rudys relationship ?

i hope well find out soon if these fillers dont kill me i think ill do this chaptert then get Rudy working at DROP DEAD !


i walk upstairs and put on a black bikini top some black skinny jeans i get a black silk skarf with skulls on and put it over my sholders i put on my black vans.

I put my hair up in a high messy ponytail.

i do really subtle make up.

and walk out i put my ymas phonecase on my phone and put it in my pocket.

 i sneak past oli and walk into the kitchen i get a packet of ciggerettes out of a draw and my lighter i quietly walk out the door and light the fag.

i sit by the side of my pool and take a drag.

'' WHAT YOU DOING ?'' oli sneaks up behind me.

'' having a fag you ?'' i laugh.

'' why ?'' oli asks 

'' because i smoke ''  i take another drag.

'' well you know you shouldnt'' oli puts his arms around me.

'' i know but some people self harm i smoke instead ''  i sigh.

oli takes the fag from my hold , takes a drag , drops it on the floor and stamps on it.

'' Josh said its okay to come early are you ready ?'' oli confirms

'' yeah , one min'' i get up and walk to the kitchen i get 2 bottles of WKD  and pass one to oli.

'' i figured as its on the beach there will be no concert booze so wallah '' i smile 

oli kisses my cheek.



me and Rudy walk hand in hand down the beach to go to the stage.

booze in the other hand.

Rudy looks so perfect , nothing could ruin this moment , well thats what i thought.

ahead i can see a familiar figure oh crap its SJ whitely my ex oh shit , shes wearing the sluttiest outfit you have ever seen , a obviously to small bikini top some bikini bottoms that go right up her ass.

some black heels she has here hair down but curled she had some black sunglasses on.

i hold Rudys hand tight.

Rudy looks at me '' whats up ?'' she asks

'' nothing , you go run to find josh ill catch up in a min'' she nods back.

i watch her run off to the stage.

i walk away to talk to SJ 

''what+- the hell are you doing here ?'' i glare at her

'' im here to enjoy a concert , what are you doing here ?'' she asks smiling a smug smile.

'' im here to preform '' i take a sip from my WKD 

'' and the red head over there whos she ?'' she stares at Rudy

'' thats Rudy my girlfriend'' i smile the same smug smile.

SJ's face drops  '' let me guess shes a model and shell be working at drop dead.

'' how do you know ?'' i give SJ a confusssed look.

'' its always the fucking same , me amanda  , cristina , amy its always the same !'' SJ basically cries.

''well i dont care because i love Rudy and i always will.'' i cant help but think SJ is gonna do something to get me and rudy apart.

'' i cant wait to be working with her '' SJ laughs.

i run to the stage to find rudy shes on stage with josh talking.

i climb up and wrap my arms around Rudys stomach.

'' sup franceschi '' i shoot my hand up.

'' not much sykes u ?'' josh waves back

'' not much , josh can i talk to you in private '' i ask.

we walk to the back of the stage 

'' can you help me keep SJ and Rudy as far away as possible ?'' i ask

'' SJ's here ?'' joshs face turns from happy josh to concerned josh.

'' yeah i just told her to stay away but you know what SJ's like'' i frown

'' unfortunately i do know what SJ's like , sure ill keep them away from each other.''  josh smiles again but this time a serious smile.

we walk back to Rudy i pick her up and put her on my sholders i jump off the stage struggling to keep my balance.

i run down to the sea , Rudy screaming.

'' oliver , fucking hell slow the fuck down !'' she laughs.

SJ shoots us a glare 

i pretend to chuck Rudy into the sea , she screams again.

'' aha calm down , im not gonna throw you in '' i laugh.

'' i dont trust you though '' she screams.

josh sneaks up behinds us and pushes us making us fall in the water.

i get up.

'' josh you bastard '' i chase him round the beach.~

Rudy giggles.

i realise SJ's walking towards her , i run up to rudy and pick her up i throw her over my shoulders and run around the beach.

''oliver put me down'' she laughs.

''neevvveeerrrrrr '' i laugh.

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