Chapter 4: History Repeats Itself

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Hi! I got awesome entries (actually only one but it rocked my fluro pink socks off) and am posting the awesomeest chapter in thos story so far! YEAH! ENJOY!!


Harry's P.O.V.

I now had to explain to the guys what the hell happened.

"It was a few years ago, we were young, we were free(ish) and we enjoyed life. There was one thing though that stank. There were the "it" kids and, the only way to get into the "group" was to kiss the nicest, most innocent girl in the school. She was known as Angel, but now I know it's Maria.

Everybody tried, footbal players, nerds, braniacs, flirts, nobody got one date."

"Did you try?", Zayn asked.

"Of couse not, it's cruel and nasty, using a girl to increase your popularity. Now shut up and pay attention. Things were getting a little heated, and guys were getting more desperate. Flowers, bribing, I even heard rumors of blackmail, but that wasn't the worst, it was coming.

A new kid started in the same year as us, Aaron. Girls followed him everywhere, apparently his tanned skin and deep, black hair made him good-looking. He heard of the challenge and accepted it preety quickly, said he could do it in a term. Asshole."

"So he made friends with me, got really close, started to know what I liked and hated, he made me laugh, If only I knew why he was so, so, charming," Maria included,"  And it didn't help that he continuously got us into romantic situations. One time we were going on a picnic, and he had it set out like a five-star resteraunt! I knew he would have heard of the rumor, so I was cautious, but he worked his way through my barriers, and he became my closest friend. But one day..."

I continued,"One day he went too far. He was driving Maria home in his car when he pulled over on the side of the road and got out, leaving Maria in. He went to the back of the car and pulled out, of all the thngs in the world, a rope."

"What the! What! No way!", the boys shouted.

"I'm sorry, I need to go. The memories are still painful.", Maria whispered and left.

"Sure thing, be careful," I told her. She smiled and left, shutting the door behind her.

"Is it that bad?", Niall whispered, like he was daring to.

"Yes. It is" I answered. He gasped.

I continued," Maria asked what he was doing with it, when he grabbed her and wrapped the rope around her hands. She screamed, and I heard it, I was in the forest taking a walk."

"What about Maria!?", Liam interupted.

"I'm getting to that. I ran to the sound of her scream and saw her cowering against the seat, Aaron on top of her, holding her down. He was trying to kiss her, but Maria kept turning her head, trying to stop him. He held her chin and leaned in. 

I was running as fast as I can, grabbing a stick on the way. I smashed the window, showering them in glass. Aaron turned around, and I knocked him out with the stick. I got Maria out of the car and untied her hands. When I did she collapsed in my arms. I had to carry her to the hospital. The police tried to arrest Aaron, but he ran into the forest. We haven't heard of him since."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, we all heard a scream, one I knew too well. "

"MARIA!", I screamed, and I jumped out of bed, fortunately I still had my pants from the accident on, if they were a litle torn, and ran down the hall. A nurse stopped us in the hallway and said,"I'm sorry, you need to go back to your room."

"What! No way am I going back until I see Maria", I screamed.

"That's the thing", the nurse cried,"She's gone."



My heart broke and my life ended.


Maria's P.O.V

I left the room to get a coffee. While I was at the machine I heard a voice I knew too well.

"Maria, Haven't seen you in a while. Why don't we have a chat?", he said.

I turned around."Aaron, go away. I don't trust you anymore. You need to leave."

"Really Maria", he put his hand to one side of my head,"There's no need for this nonsense."

"If you don't leave in five seconds, I'll scream."

"Really, is that al you can doop?"

"HELP! SOMEONE HE-" Aaron put his hand over my mouth.

"Maria, Don't make me do this." In his top pocket o the jumper he was wearing, i could see a coil of rope. Oh no.

His hand left my mouth and pulled out the rope, his hands quickly wrapped the rope around my hands. I struggled against the bonds, when he whispered,"Do anything, and Harry will wish he was never born." 

Aaron then led me out of the hospital doors when I screamed again. He grabbed me, threw me in his car and drove off.

We pulled over on a side street, where he opened the door, tied my feet and gagged me.

"Now nobody can hear you scream," he said, an evil glint in his eye. 

I feared for my life.


OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH! Cliffhanger huh? Comment and Fan! Loves YA!!

P.S. Comp's over.

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