Chapter 26

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"What should I do about the egg, Rift?" I ask incredulously, "raise it alone? Is it even human? I guarantee a human embryo isn't growing inside that thing right now!" I snort. "So tell me, what do I do?" I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around Rift's reasoning.

"Kyla, any child of yours will be magnificent, I don't know what you're asking me," Rift says, his gaze turning from the egg to me. The expression on his face is one of heartbreak. "I wish I could live to see you become a mother. You're going to do a fine job."

"Rift, just stop!" I exclaim and throw my arms around him. "What am I going to do without you?"

"You're going to become a queen, that what you're going to do," Rift says with finality. "I'm sure you and Wes can work it out."

"I don't want Wes," I sob, burying my face in his chest. I recall and cringe at Wes' attempts to romance me. He'll never be Rift. "I want you forever and ever, even if you can't love me in return, because you understand me like no other being in all the worlds!"

"Kyla," Rift says, his voice going hoarse and he pulls me against him and nuzzles his nose in my hair inhaling my scent. "Don't you know how much I love you, Princess?"

Rift loves me? He loves me!

"I've loved you longer than this, and I should have told you when I first realized it," Rift murmurs, his hand rests on my cheek and curls under my chin to lift my gaze to his glassy amber eyes.

"You love me?" I manage, my voice small and vulnerable.

"I love you more than life," Rift says, and he presses his lips to mine. And I realize I've known before this moment of his love. His verbal affirmation, although deliciously wonderful to hear, wasn't necessary. His body, his eyes, and his actions have given me love like no other person has.

"I knew it," I cry, as I return his kiss. I long to remain in this cave with him and stop time., To hold onto this sacred moment where two lonely creatures of darkness found the light of love together. However, time is something we do not have much left of. "There has to be a way to destroy the Dark Lord without killing you. I won't allow you to kill yourself."

Rift is quiet for a moment, as if deep in thought. "I may know a way... but we must prevent chaos from ensuing further, so the Dark Lord's power is limited. If we can hold off this war long enough to arrange your father's return to Axus," Rift begins, "And if I can get my own father too... I can break Alvar's Curse completely." Rift isn't making a ton of sense, but the hope he brings to our incredibly hopeless situation is welcome after all we've gone through. "You need to return to Erlund. The longer you keep yourself from Erlund, the more cause it has to go to war with Underlund. Even Wes will not remain patient with you for long."

"What about the egg?" I ask Rift, and we both turn to our peculiar progeny.

"I sense magic surrounding it, I believe the egg will not hatch until you are ready for it to," Rift says. "It will hatch in the form of a drakon, but I see no reason why it cannot have a human form like yours as well."

"That's a relief I think," I say, sighing deeply. Will there ever be an end to the stress in my life? The fact that Rift is willing to try to live makes me wonder if it's possible.

"You should leave this egg here. There is a reason your beast wanted you to nest here, and I believe because it is safe," Rift says. "Do you want me to trace you to Erlund?"

"I can fly back," I say with a shrug.

"It would be faster," Rift says. "And we shouldn't waste any time."

"Fine," I mumble.

"I met someone with a vendetta against your mother," Rift says.

"Really? That's strange. Everyone loves my mother." I take his hand so he can trace me back to Erlund.

"Well, this person says your mother and she used to be friends, she calls herself the Blood Queen and she's a witch," Rift states.

"I wonder what that is about. Do you think my mother would recognize her if she returned to Axus with my father?" I ask him.

"I don't know, she definitely cloaks her appearance with magic. She says your mother left her for dead."

"That doesn't sound like my mother," I mutter. I believe I get much of my compassion from my mother.

"Let's go," Rift says.

In a black cloud of mist we disappear from the island and leave the egg behind.

I shall return for you, even if I'm afraid of you.

The Erlund castle is in chaos, just as I suspected it would be. Rift puts me back in the dress he made for me earlier and he uses the Dark energy from the uproar to erase the memories of my sudden departure. He also repairs the balcony.

It's almost too easy to do things with Rift around.

As everyone is awakening from the mind spell, Rift whispers in my ear, "Remember, we need to keep peace here if our plan will work. Also, King Lionel is the one who is planning the attack with the Cursed Blood army. You should see if you can nip it in the bud with Wes' help. These people are far more afraid of you than you realize. Use that to your advantage. Don't let them walk all over you."

"Please, see me again, before we..." my voice trails.

Rift's eyes darken and his lips press to my neck. "You can be sure, I won't risk dying until I've had you as mine one last time."

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