Part 14

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'And the universe said I love you '


Lauren always believed that fame was one of those things that she will never tire of, no matter how many paparazzi she fights, nor how busy her life becomes. Fame, applause... She lived for those things like Tinkerbell, and she wanted nothing more than to live the dream by breathing in the cries of the crowd at her job.

She stares at the ceiling of her empty apartment. In her arm chair, a tumbler of chai tea in her hand, no artificial means could seem to warm her. Despite being dressed in her warmest knit sweater, Lauren still shivered. She rubbed her hands along her arms, but it did nothing, so she wrapped herself in a blanket.

The heat was broken.

One letter masked what is truly wrecked. One letter made all the difference.

Each time she allowed herself the downtime to think, Lauren's imagination often wandered to Camila. She wanted to know how many women she had touched in a day. How many cried out her name as they came. But in all honesty, thinking about it only enabled annoyance and a rage she had no idea how to control.

Lauren didn't want to think about Camila being with anyone else but her.

In frustration, Lauren got up and shrugged on her winter coat. After sending Dinah a quick text, they agreed to meet up in their favourite diner. A quick bus ride later, Lauren sat on a booth and played Candy Crush on her phone while she waited.

"Hey, what's wrong? That was a pretty urgent-sounding text." Dinah asked, pink-cheeked and breathless as she slid in the booth in front of Lauren. She tucked her phone back in her purse and locked her fingers on the table.

"I just needed to get out of the house. All this idle time is not good for me. Ever since we finished filming the movie, I have too much free time on my hands." Lauren sucked in a sharp breath to slow down the flood of words she wanted to speak.

"I get that." Dinah nodded sagely, patting Lauren's hand before ordering coffee for herself. "But in two weeks you'd be wishing you appreciated that alone time more."

Lauren nodded. "I know." She nibbled the inside of her bottom lip. "How's Camila?"

It was the first time in weeks that Lauren spoke her name out loud, and it was easier than she thought, like an incantation she memorized long ago. The sound of Camila's name in her own voice still had the same effect—pleasant with the aftertaste of missing her. She watched Dinah's features as she took her time adding cream and sugar to her cup.

"She's fine, why do you ask?"

Lauren shrugged. "I was just curious, that's all."

Dinah squeezed Lauren's hand in hers. "Lauser, in another life, I have no doubts that you and Mila would be good for each other. But in this world, I don't think it's smart to entertain the idea of being in a relationship with Camila."

"Did she tell you how she feels about me?" Lauren demanded, hands clenched into fists. It was hard to hear, but she had to, if only for the peace of her mind.

"She did," Dinah's voice dropped into a low volume that forced Lauren to lean in closer in order to hear. "But it's not my position to interfere between you two. Just know that Camila's feelings for you are real." Hearing this, Lauren sat back, wide-eyed and shocked. Dinah smiled. "I've never seen anything affect Camila the way you do, Lauren."

She sipped her coffee, filled with delight at the taste and the satisfying news she just received. She could see any other course of action but to say. "Dinah, I need to see Camila. And soon."

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