The system is corrupt.
There are kids inside.
Not in it to win it,
But to beat it,
To leave it.
And the innocent,
Tired of being sent
To one home and another.
Losing friend
And brother
Along the way.
They only want to stay
In one place,
Somewhere safe.
Oh, how they crave a haven
To be held,
Not to having to tell
Or worry
Of the next talk,
Or the one after that.
They need that adolescence
To remember
The good times,
Not the lies
Whispered in their ear.
They want to be told,
A phrase precious to hold,
It's going to be okay.
Poet of the System
PoezieFree-style, I guess. A view of the Who, Why, How, When, and Where of society and the system of it.