The Clandestine: Chapter 10

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Goryeo (1213)

"What is your plan right now?" Gojong asked Anhye while they are strolling along the errand of the palace, with eunuchs and court ladies behind the newlywed.

"Plan?" Anhye smirked.

"Yes, about the audit."

"Plan..." she nodded with a smirk in her lips. "I don't have plans."

"WHAT!?" Gojong shouted, suddenly. The servants was surprised. Totally, surprised. "What do you mean by no plans?" he asked while gripping the arm of his wife.

"Hey, let go of me. You jerk..."

Gojong sighed and let her go. "You made me so angry at this kind of morning. Please, watch your mouth. You're no longer a son of your father, you're now a wife of the King. A Queen!"

"Sure, Gojong-ssi..." Anhye gave him a winning smile. She left with the court ladies tailing her.

"Bitch." Gojong whispered, he clenched his fist in anger.

Anhye went to the quarter of the Queen Mother. She casually sat down in the ground in front of Queen Wondeok. She still act like a kid despite being born in the royal family.

Queen Wondeok smirked in disgustment, she find it absurd seeing a new queen's attitude. "What are you doing? Can you act like feminine woman?"

"But, I'm not a feminine." Anhye pouted. "Do I really need to change myself, Eomoni?"

Queen Wondeok laughed genuinely. "Eomoni?" then she laughed. "Eomoni? Did you called me as your mom?" and she laughed again.

Anhye distorted. "Your Highness, don't you like to be called by that?"

"No, of course not! I'm just too happy to hear it." Queen Wondeok was totally blushing. "Your husband never called me like that."

"What!? Oh. I'm sorry, Eomoni." Anhye bowed. "That was so rude! How could he!?"

"Hey, don't worry about that. By the way, do you have any plan regarding about the Gojeolgam?"

Anhye saw an apple in the table, she carelessly grabbed it. "Can I have this one?"

Queen Wondeok nodded so she immediately took a bite. "I have a plan."

"What is it?" Queen Wondeok seems excited to know that there was a plan.

Anhye told her about the audit. She even asked the mother of her husband to help her to find a trustworthy people from Song Dynasty who will do the audit. The Queen Mother like the idea that runs from the mind of the lady in front of her.

"I will tell you about a secret, please don't tell anyone. I had the same party with the Empress Dowager of Song Dynasty." Queen Wondeok confessed.

Anhye just 'ohh' then smiled. "Of course, I know it." she also confessed. "Queen Mother Wondeok, Empress Dowager Yang, and Shi Miyuan are in the same party. Am I right?" Anhye said while raising her fingers as a counting.

The Queen Mother didn't know what to say, she was shocked. How could a little girl know about that?

"How did you...?"

"Eomoni, can you really help me?"

"Sure, I will ask the Empress Dowager to find a person who will do the audit. By the way, out of all the dynasties, why is it have to be Song Dynasty?"

Anhye looked down. She want to say due to her friends from Song; Guicheng and Xiao. However, it was not the real reason. "As I say earlier, you are in the southern party with the Song's high positioned politicians."

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