{Her High School}

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Sky pov

"So Max how's life in Seattle?"said Ross
"It's fine."said max as he continued to look at his phone.

"I hopes goat wills bes okays ."said barney
"I'm sure he'll be fine."said Aleasa

I looked out the window seeing all the bright green trees go by.
I then felt a small poke on my arm that made me turn my head to face Aphmau.

"Sky, I'm curious on what happened while i was...well...dead."she said in a plain tone.

"Well...We discovered spirit gems..."i sid unit she cut me off.

"I meant before. The day i died."she said with a small shine in her carmel eyes.

I didn't reply.
For about 4 hours, no body dared to speak.

"Tell me about Hadline. What does she have against you?"said Jin as calensa and unica woke up from their nap.

"Well. Before you arrived to Phoenix University ,which was actually a high school, there were popular girls and boys. Laurence, who you might remember, was one of them. So was Hadline.
Technically before i came Laurence and Hadline were dating. When i came Laurence was more interested in me that he ditched Hadline leaving her heart broken. Before winter break, Hadline was bullying me and made her be Expelled forever from the county. When you came, Laurence got jealous and sweared to get you with hadline and me with him. Hadline wanted you because you both were neighbors before you moved to here. That's why she despises me." Said Aphmau

"He . I remembered your face when i complemented you the first day we met."said Jin.
"I remembered story time. Jinuyasha!!!"said Ross with a smile

"I remember beating you guys up."said Aleasa
"Shut up i think i still have those bruises."i said laughing.

The whole car laughed.
Phoenix and therapy chan has been on Aph's phone playing minecraft.

It's cool having Phoenix be adopted by Shelby and Ross.

I wonder who else we are going to encounter this vacation...

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