After the concert, Ashton went to Lukes as they were having a sleepover.
''Ash are you ok?"
"Yeah im okay I guess"
"Whats wrong, and don't lie to me"
"I'm just tired Bab... Luke"
"Come on let's get you home'' and then luke drove himself and ash to his house.

When they got here luke instantly took Ashton up to his room to sleep, he placed him gently on the bed.
"Thanks Luke" Ashton smiled while snuggling into the sheets but pulled a slight face at the pain.
"No problem ashy, I need to ask you something"
"Go ahead" said Ashton sleepily.
"Not saying that I like you or anything but erm.. if I were gay " Luke said forgetting that he already came out to ash.
''do you think we'd ever date" Luke said sounded like he was on drugs.
"I like you too luke" Ashton knew exactly what Luke was trying to say.
"You do?". Ashton just nodded lazily.
"But how did you know what I meant"
"Luke I've grown up with you I knew what you were trying to say. Come here" and ash opened his arms suggesting a cuddle with luke and luke accepted and went over and snuggled into the olders boys chest, hearing his heartbeat.
"So what does this make us Ash?"
"Luke Hemmings, will you be my boyfriend?"
"Yeah Ashton Irwin. I will". And with that said, Ashton placed a light kiss on Luke's head, making luke blush before both boys fell asleep.

The next morning Luke was up first and just stared at his new boyfriend in aw. Then Ashton's woke up.
"Hey baby" said luke with a smile.
"Morning" Ash said while smiling.
"So ya know, were together.. when are we telling people?"
"Whenever , its up to you luke but I have to go to Hornsby later and I'm there for a week, sorry baby".
"I'll tweet about it then, it's the easiest way for people to find out"
"Sounds good" Ashton smiled and got up to start getting changed.

"So guys I have something to tell you, me and @ashton5SOS are now in a relationship, hope you all accept and understand❤"

"Luke I should go and get packing. Ill call you everyday and I'll cya you when I get back. I love you" and ash placed a kiss on Luke's lips softly.
"Okay baby, ill miss you" and luke kissed back.
"Ill miss you too." And so Ashton went home and packed his stuff before heading off to Hornsby to spend his week of with his mother and father.

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