It was the final concert of tour and Ashton was begging to show a little bit which made him smile but frown at the same time. He had to wear one of Luke's shirts that was big on him to cover the small bump. He ran off sick 3 times at concerts and he feels so bad even though the other boys don't mind.
"Hey Ashton you gonna be okay this concert? If you need to come off just say?" Said Michael softly where Ashton just nodded. Ashton hasn't been himself for about a week.
"Ashy? You okay?" Asked Luke concerned about ash.
"Uh.. yeah.. I just... I'm just worried". Ashton has had 4 panic attacks since finding out he was pregnant. The other boys didn't know and Ashton didn't want them finding out.
"Scared?? Ash whenever your scared you...." Luke was cut off by the manager.
"boys on stage 5 mins!"
"Luke I'm fine" Ashton picked up his drumsticks and hugged Luke to try convince him he was okay. Luke hugged back but still wasn't sure.

"Whats up Sydney!!!" Luke screamed into his mic.
"Were finally back!" Followed Michael.
"We hope you enjoy this. It's the final show of our tour and trust me it'll be a good one!!" Followed calum.
"Let's rock this place!!" Screamed ashton. Ash instantly went to his drumkit and the boys went to their guitars.

"Do you think anyone noticed?!" Ashton said backstage really worried after meeting fans with backstage pass.
"I'm sure they didn't, I mean your in my shirt it just looks normal if I'm honest with you" Luke replied.
"Ash, you can't even tell, we've got a year off you can hide it from the fans for a year they'll never know" said Calum.
"Ashton everything will be okay. As Calum said we don't have anymore performing so you should be okay as long as Luke supports you. Which he should do anyway" Michael giggled while Luke smiled and puts his arm around his nervous hubby.
"Everything will be fine Hemmings, trust me I ain't leaving" Luke said after placing a small kiss on Ashtons head. Ashton smiled at Luke's touch.
"I know you won't leave. And I love you hemmings" the boys smiled.
"I love you too"
"We should definitely go home and celebrate the end of another world tour! Its been amazing!" Exclaimed Calum.
"Yeah sure I'm in'' says Michael, followed by the same awnser from Luke.
"Our place?" Suggested ash. The boys agreed and all went to the Hemmings household to spend one final night together as a band before going to see family and so on. There year break had finally come, and the boys couldn't wait to see their families and spend time relaxing.

/It All Happened At The Concert\Where stories live. Discover now