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Rachel threw herself on her bed. She was mad at her dad for forcing her to go to this stupid ball. Rachel could've sworn that one of her toes almost lost circulation...

Then she sat up. Pulling her purple shoes off and throwing them down, she sighed. Her dad loved showing off their wealth and status...Rachel went to lock her door and pulled the purple dress and dumb corset thing off. Then she pulled on a little white nightgown. She hated everything about royalty.

Yeah, Rachel wasn't like most princesses. Although her family tried their very best, she grew up to be a complete tomboy. In fact, she ran off into the forests on Saturdays because it was the only day she was allowed to do anything she wanted.

While so many girls dreamt of being a princess with their beauty, grace, dresses, and shoes, they would scream if they new about the clinched shoes, rules, corsets, and heavy tiaras. The tiara was the one thing Rachel refused to wear no matter what.

"Sometimes I wish I was a bird..." Rachel mumbled aloud. "At least they get to fly around, outside of this stupid castle..."

Rachel kicked the stone walls and yelled in frustration. Maybe if she cut a bunch of her dresses up and made a rope down... no. The guards would catch her.

Rachel pulled a brush through her hair. It got tangled in a knot. Rachel groaned.

She hated life.

Rachel managed to get her hair untangled. She picked up the dress and put it in the closet. She put her shoes in the bottom.

Rachel dug her toes into the cold wooden floor. She looked outside the window again.

Then she heard a noise downstairs.

Rachel got curious and ran down the long staircase.

"Sire, we caught this boy stealing from the castle." she heard the head knight tell her father.

The old king looked up. "Take him outside and put him in the stocks. He'll be executed tomorrow morning."

"I have a name, you know." The boy said. Rachel looked at him.

He was handsome- sea green eyes, unruly black hair, tanned skin and a slightly muscular build...

Rachel admired his courage.

The king raised an eyebrow. "And what would that be?"

"Percy Jackson." The boy said.

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