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Lucy's P.O.V
I woke up in the guild Infermary feeling completely drained 'oh no, did it happen again?' I felt a weight in my lap area I looked down to see Romeo sleeping in a chair next to my bed with his head on my lap........Holding my hand, my face feels like it was caught on fire, 'he looks so peaceful, and his hair feels so soft, I wanna touch it' I listen to my thoughts and move my hand to his hair, as soon as my hand touches his hair the door opens to reveal Mavis-nee

"Lucy! You're awake......Um ....What are doing?" I realize my hand was still in Romeo's hair and gently running through it, I quickly retract my hand, once again with my face in fire.

"nothing! I don't-don't know what you're talking-talking about" I manage to get out , Mavis-nee gets that smirk on her face, 'that smirk always scares me'

"oh really?, It looks to me like you where running your hands through your boyfriend's hair~" once again right ,after it finally got to normal color,my face exploded getting redder than aunty Erza's hair.

"Mavis-nee! Stop teasing!, Anyway on a completely unrelated note, did-did I pass out again?" Mavis-nee sighed "yes and porlyusica said you have to stay in bed, meaning no leaving the guilds infermary-" then she got that smirk on her face again
"-and Romeo just couldn't leave your side in your time of pain, so being the brave young man he is he stepped up and said ' I will stay by Lucy's side and protect her' so ofcourse I said yes, because after all, a boyfriend needs to be there for his girlfriend, hehehe" through her whole speach Mavis-nee was being dramatic, she even grabbed the end of the bed, tilted her head back and put the back of her hand on her forehead

"alright!, There's no need to get so dramatic" I felt a shift on the bed and looked down to see Romeo stirring and opening his eyes, seeing that at some point during Mavis-nee and I's talk my hand found its way to his hair again so I quickly moved my hand away again

"hmm, Lucy?" Romeo just waking up looked at me confused, then realized I was awake "Lucy! You're awake!" With a wide grin on his face he hugged me and I patted his back

"ahhhh, young love! So cute~" quickly pulling away from the hug our faces turned bright red

"Mavis-nee!/first master!" Me and Romeo say at the same time

"oh Romeo, just call me Mavis-nee, I mean after all at some point in the future I'll be your sister in-law"

"Mavis-nee stop that!" I three a pillow at her the best I could at my drained state it didn't even get past the foot board "woah Lucy! Ok I'll stop just don't through stuff , you'll only make your condition worse!"mavis-nee exclaimed worried ,

"Alright, but that means you guys are gonna have to get me stuff since I can't get out of bed to get it my self" I pointed out

"Alright I'll do that!, I'll take care of you Lucy!" Romeo shouted with enthusiasm "do you need anything?"

" Well, I am quit hungry" I said thoughtfully

"on it!" Romeo shouted running out the door leaving me sweat-dropping, after Romeo came back with food , that I happily ate, I needed something else, but it's not really something I'm comfortable with a guy doing "hey mavis-nee can you get either Wendy-nee or aunty Erza I need their help so I can-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because Romeo butted In

"I can help you with whatever you need Lucy!" My face got red again , I mean seriously this like the 6th time this morning

"uh well, I don't really think you would want to help me take a shower sooo..." I trailed off and Romeos face became so red I think he popped a blood vessel

"oh um, ya I think either Wendy or Erza would be best for that job" Romeo said while Mavis-nee nodded and headed out the door, she came back a few minutes later with aunty Erza.

"alright Lucy, let's get you freshened up" she stated picking me up and going to the bathroom in the infermary, that just so happend to have a shower, while I was getting a shower Mavis took my white dress to wash.

Romeo P.O.V
I walked out of the infermary while Erza was helping Lucy have a shower since she can't really do anything with out getting to exhausted, porlyusica said Lucy needs to rest for a few days , and it's my job to take care of her, and cater to her every need, while I was deep in my thoughts I didn't notice natsu come up behind me

" hey Romeo!, How's Lucy" I looked behind me to answer his question

"oh, she's good, she's awake now, and Erza is helping to give her a bath since she can't really do a lot with out getting exhausted, since she pushed her self to hard when she attacked Acnologia, was she cool when she did, I bet she was awesome , I mean not that she isn't always awesome but even more awesome in that moment" I rambled my face getting red luckily gray stepped in and stopped my rambling,

"Lucy?, OH ya that attack was really cool" I could see just alittle bit if a going in this eyes, I wonder why

" I never doubted it , Lucy is soo cool, and nice , and her eyes are soo pretty, the way they look like a deep pit of chocolate, and her hair is a beautiful golden blond and soft and-" thank God gray stopped me gain because I was getting embarrassed my face rivaling Erza's hair again

"oh man, Romeo!" He said chuckling a bit with a smirk on his face, I'm looked at him confused

"what gray?, What's wrong with me, why does my face get so hot when I think or talk about Lucy?" 

"You my little friend are in love" natsu who's been watching silently just staring at me with slightly narrowed, bored eyes, but his eyes weren't what I was worrying about because I feel another pair of eyes somewhere burning a hole in my skull

Third person P.O.V
At a table near the trio sat Wendy who with her dragon slayer hearing heard everything that was said , so while enjoying a cup of hot tea facing Romeo she glared, being waayyy to over-protective of Lucy, who she saw as a little sister.

Heyyy sorry it took so long, I made this one long, for the long wait, I think Mavis may be the biggest shipper of Romeo and Lucy, anyway hoped you guys enjoy comment what you bought and as always, I'll see you guys next time byeeeee my lovliessss 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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