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Same pov

My alarm goes off like every other Monday which means it's adoption day "ugh adoption day" I mumble as I get out of bed "SAM GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THAT BED NOW!" Lila shouts from outside the door "I AM LILIA SO SHUT UP!" I shout back "NO I WONT YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SHIT!" Lila shouts then walks away.

I got to get in the shower and wash my hair as soon as I get out the shower I brush and dry my hair. I get changed into some black leggings and my favorite white top and put my green and black flannel on. I then grab my headphones, my phone and my sunglasses (to cover my eyes since using my hair doesnt work) and go to the cafeteria where they are serving pancakes but as always there is none left.

This is what I live like everyday. Hardly any food and no friends. Isn't my life great.

I then head towards miss young's office and knock on the door "come In" miss young says "oh Sam hello darling" she says "umm..hello miss I was... Um... Wandering if I could go in the backyard?" I ask quietly "why of course dear I will come get you when the interviews start" she says polietly. I nod then head to the backdoor and go out and sit under the willow tree we have and pull out my phone and headphones and watch jacks newest video titled : adoption: let's get serious. I click on it and is met with his lovely face.


"TOP O' THE MORNING TO YOU LADIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE and today let's get serious! As you see by the title of this video I have been doing some thinking and came to the conlusion to adopt a child because I'm a bit lonely in this house so I decided I would adopt a girl around 12-14. The reason why was because I noticed many kids across the world don't have homes nor parents and everyone deserves a second chance at life so I decided to adopt. And also todays and most likely tomorrows videos won't be up because I want to spend some time with childsepticeye so yeah THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR WATCHING THIS VIDEO IF YOU LIKED IT PUNCH THE LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE LIKE A BOSS! AND HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND *WAPISH* *WASPISH* THANK YOU GUYS AND SEE ALL YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT VIDEO! "

OMG HE IS GOING TO ADOOT I HOPE ITS MY ORPHANGE but let's be real he won't adopt me if he does because of my looks.

"Sam time for interviews!" Miss young shouted so I got up put my phone and my headphones in my pocket and put on my sunglasses.

Welp let's hope it goes well.

I walked in to the room and sat down and looked at my lap since I'm not good with communication.

"Hello there I'm Sean" sean said
"H-hello I'm s-sam" I said quietly
"Would you mind looking at me so I can see how you look please" he said politley
"Um s-sure" I said looking up and taking of my sunglasses and as I looked at him I noticed he's jacksepticeye
"Wow those eyes are beautiful" he said
"R-really?" I asked
"Yes they are and can I ask you some questions?" He asked and I nodded

Convo: j= Jack s= sam

J: how old are you?
S: 13
J: hobbies?
S: watching YouTube, drawing, singing, playing guitar and gaming
J: being bullied?
S: yes
J: sorry about that.
S: it's fine.
J: favorite colour?
S: all shades of green
J: you like video games?
S: Iike is an understatement
J: favorite game?
S: shadow of the collosus, dark souls and bloodborne

"Would you like to be adopted by me?" He asks. Those words repeated in my head

Jacks pov

"Would you like to be adopted by me?" I ask. She stays silent thinking and probably debating which I doubt about whether she should or not. But if she said no that would hurt me because she I lovely

"I would love to" she says and even smiles.

I get up and hug her and as I break away from the hug I look Into her eyes and see an emotion I haven't seen in this interview yet. That emotion was... Hope.

my life (adopted by jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now